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Concluzii post-intalnire mamici

Cand vine vorba de cresterea copiilor, recomandarile, normele, standardele s-au schimbat foarte mult de la generatia parintilor nostri la generatia parintilor de acum. Ba mai mult, medicul pediatru Andreea Manda m-a “linistit” spunadu-mi ca s-au schimbat inclusiv de la nasterea lui Vlad si pana astazi. Cu alte cuvinte, studii legate de alimentatia copilului, de nevoile lui nutritionale, studii privind alergiile, programarea metabolica sau dezvoltarea lui optima din punct de vedere psihic si fizic se desfasoara chiar in acest moment, iar datele noi sunt interpretate de catre specialisti, transmise medicilor si ulterior viitorilor parinti. Si uite cum am avut o revelatie…

EN: When it comes to raising kids, the recommendations, the norms, the standard have changed a lot from our parents’ generation to the generation of nowadays parents. Furthermore, the pediatrician Andreea Manda has “encouraged” me by saying that they have also changed since Vlad was born until today. In other words, studies about the child’s nutrition, his nutritional needs, studies about allergies, metabolic programming or his optimal development both physically and psychically are being done as we speak, and the new data are interpreted by specialists, passed on to doctors and then to future parents. And then I had an epiphany…

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