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10 idei pentru ZEN acasa

Parca din ce in ce mai putin imi gasesc linistea si bucuria undeva in oras, la un restaurant sau club sau mai stiu eu ce. Si nu e de varsta, am avut dintotdeauna acest sentiment, doar ca parca se accentueaza. Sigur, ador calatoriile, dar nu traiesc doar calatorind. Viata mea se desfășoară cel mai mult in Bucuresti, de care ma leaga in primul rand job-ul si, desigur, casa. Iar casa mea este locul in care ma simt protejata, iubita, linistita. Asa ca, m-am gandit sa va scriu despre ce imi place si imi face bine sa fac acasa.


EN: I seem to have given up on finding my peace and joy somewhere out, at a restaurant or a club or whatever. And it has nothing to do with age, I have always had this feeling, but it seems to grow stronger. Of course, I love to travel, but I don’t live just travelling. My life is mostly in Bucharest, which I am connected to firstly by my job and, obviously, mu home. And my house is the ideal place for me to feel protected, loved, tranquil. So, I thought I should write to you about what I like to do at home.

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