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Brambura prin Lume – ep.2

Bucurati-va de al doilea episod de vlog “Brambura prin Lume” si apoi, daca aveti chef si timp, lasati-mi un feedback. Aici si/sau pe YouTube.


EN: Enjoy the second vlog episode “Brambura through the World” and then, if you find the time and the mood for it, leave me a feedback. Here and/ or on YouTube.

VLOG: Brambura prin Lume (Ep. 1)

Azi am lansat vlogul de travel “Brambura prin Lume”. Parerea voastra despre primul episod, a celor care cititi constant acest blog, e foarte valoroasa pentru mine.


EN: Today I have launched the travel vlog “Brambura through the World”. Your opinion, of those who constantly read this blog, on this first episode is extremely valuable to me.

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