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November 2016


Sunt foarte legata de trecut. Am aceasta senzatie ca, fata de oamenii foarte apropiati din jurul meu, eu cred ca detin recordul in povesti si amintiri din trecutul meu. Adica aproape orice conversatie sau intamplare din prezent naste in mine o lunga incursiune in trecut. Desigur, toata lumea isi aminteste zilnic momente din copilarie, ori adolescenta, ori momente importante din trecutul mai mult sau mai putin recent. Dar parca altii apeleaza la trecut intr-un mod mai detasat fata de mine, care parca incerc sa traduc tot prezentul prin trecut. Iar asta nu cred ca e un mod foarte intelept de a-ti trai viata…


EN: I am very connected to my past. I have this feeling that, compared to the close people around me, I think I hold the record for stories and memories from my past. Almost every conversation or happening from the present brings me to a long incursion in the past. Of course, every one remembers moments from their childhood, teenage years, or important moments from a more or less recent past, on a daily basis. But it seems like others relate themselves to the past in a more detached manner, unlike me, always trying to translate the entire present through the past. And I don’t think that’s a very wise way how to live your life…

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