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January 2017

Moon e pe harta PulS

La finalul anului trecut, Anca Ciofarla – artist vizual – a trecut pragul Moon Studio, si-a scos acuarelele, pensulele si tot ce ii era necesar, si-a ales unghiurile favorite si, intr-o atmosfera linistita, a inceput sa picteze. Prin programul PulS, 30 de de artiști au creat aproximativ 120 de lucrari de grafica si pictura, inspirate de locurile favorite ale acestora din Bucuresti.


EN: At the end of last year, Anca Ciofarla – visual artist- stopped by Moon Studio, took out her water colors, brushes and everything else she needed, chose her favorite angles and, in a quiet mood, started painting. Through the program PulS, 30 artists have created approximately 120 works of graphic and painting, inspired by their favorite places in Bucharest.

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