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February 2018

Despre testul de sarcina, #pebune

Pentru aceasta sedinta foto am mers la farmacie sa cumpar un test de sarcina Surecheck. Era si Radu langa mine, ca doar cu el urma sa fac fotografiile, si nu stiu cum sa va spun dar aproape ca ma facusem rosie in obraji cand i l-am cerut farmacistei. Imi venea sa ma si scuz, ca nu e pentru mine, ca e pentru o sedinta foto… va dati seama ce ridicol ar fi sunat. Dar gestul in sine de a cumpara un test de sarcina m-a emotionat pentru ca mi-a adus aminte de perioada in care ne doream un copil. Si, evident, m-am gandit apoi la momentul in care au aparut cele 2 liniute. Am si acum testul pozitiv intr-o cutie cu amintiri!


EN: For this photo shooting I went to the pharmacy to buy a Surecheck pregnancy test. Radu was also there, because he was about to take the pictures, and I don’t know how to tell you, but I almost blushed when I asked the pharmacist for it. I was about to make up an excuse, that it’s not for me, that it’s for the photo shooting… that would have been really ridiculous. But the mere gesture of buying a pregnancy test got me emotional, because it reminded me of the time we really wanted to have a child. And, obviously, I then thought of the moment when the 2 lines showed up. I still have the positive pregnancy test in a memory box!

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