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June 2018

Sase idei de adaugat in cosul de cumparaturi

Cumparaturile vara sunt o adevarata provocare pentru mine pentru ca oscilez ca un titirez intre doua extreme: fie am impresia ca deja am cumparat absolut tot ce am nevoie verile trecute (cate rochii albe sa imi mai iau!?), fie mi se pare ca tot ce am este ultra-obosit si am nevoie de o garderoba complet noua. Si cum nebunia asta in care ma tot impart poate sa fie comuna mai multor femei ca mine, m-am gandit sa fac un top cu 6 piese pentru aceasta vara, care mi se pare ca pot da exact doza necesara de noutate si prospetime, fara a face insa nota discordanta cu restul garderobei voastre. Sper sa va ajute, pe mine m-a ordonat putin in planificarea cumparaturilor!


EN: Summer shopping is a real challenge for me because I’m constantly torn between two extremes: I am under the impression that I already bought everything I needed in the last summer (how many white dresses can one have?!), or I believe that everything I have is already boring and I need a completely new wardrobe. And since this madness might be something that happens to many women like myself, I thought I should make a top with 6 key pieces for the summer, which I think can bring exactly the amount of newness and freshness needed, without being too different from the rest of your wardrobe. I hope it’s helpful to you, it helped me get a bit more organized in shopping planning!

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