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March 2019

Viitorul e acum

Sunt momente cand realizezi ca viitorul este deja aici. Ca prezentul probabil depaseste asteptarile pe care le aveai cand te gandeai la „anii 2000”. De multe ori nu doar ca depaseste asteptarile, insa iti dai seama ca nici nu puteai sa calibrezi asteptarile pentru o asemenea realitate. Astfel, „viitorul este acum” devine un cliseu perfect adevarat. Gandurile acestea mi-au zburat prin cap in timp ce, pe scena din fata mea, in timpul unui concert Vita de Vie, un pustan prea timid sa apara pe scena in realitate, a fost prezent ca holograma !!!!!!!!! sa cante alaturi de trupa lui preferata.


EN: There are times when you come to realize that the future is already here. That the present probably exceeds all the expectations you used to have when you thought about “the year 2000”. More often than not, you also come to the conclusion that you could never have calibrated your expectations to such a reality. Therefore, “the future is now” becomes a perfectly true cliché. Those were the thoughts going through my head while, on the stage in front of me, during a Vita de Vie concert, a kid much too shy to go up on stage in reality, was there as a hologram!!!! to sing with his favorite band.

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