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Primele poze de vacanta din Tenerife

Cand stii ca vacanta e ceva cu care te vei mai intalni abia la iarna, pozele pe care le-ai facut in cea mai recenta evadare iti aduc o bucurie de neimaginat. Stiu deja ca voi reveni la ace4asta postare de nenumarate ori de-a lungul anilor ce vor urma. Nu pot decat sa sper ca acest prim set sa va poarte pe nisipul negru din Tenerife.


EN: When you know vacation is something you’ll only come across again in winter, the pictures you took on your most recent getaway bring unimaginable joy. I already know I’ll come back to this post countless times along the coming years. I can only hope that this first set will take you to the black sands from Tenerife.

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Un magneziu?

Mi-a venit greu sa scriu acest articol, din doua motive: 1. sa nu para “doar o reclama” si 2. pentru ca vorbeste despre limitele mele. Si na, e greu sa le strigi in gura mare si sa lasi tot Facebook-ul sa isi dea cu parerea.


EN: It was hard for me to write this article, for 2 reasons: 1. I didn’t want it to seem like just a commercial and 2. Because it speaks about my limitations. And you know, it is hard to talk about them openly and to let all Facebook chip in with an opinion.

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Cand ramanem singure

Am ramas singura in camera mea din Tenerife. Radu si Vlad au coborat la piscina. Aveam nevoie de un moment al meu, in care sa va scriu in liniste.


EN: I am alone in my room in Tenerife. Radu and Vlad are at the pool. I needed a moment just for myself, so I could write you in peace and quiet.

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Frica de esec

Pe 7 august se desfasoara un eveniment organizat de cei de la The Power of Storytelling si Visual Playground: How to design your creative life. Invitata lor este femeia din spatele celui mai longeviv podcast despre industrii creative (Design Matters), Debbie Millman, a carei poveste de viata mi s-a parut incredibil de inspirationala. Este probabil una dintre putinele povesti despre “visul american” din epoca contemporana: o copilarie dificila, o familie instabila si o dorinta arzatoare de a se face remarcata in branding, un domeniu in care se intra foarte greu. Dar iata ca acum, 30 de ani mai tarziu, succesul pentru care a muncit si a luptat atat de mult este lectia pe care vine sa ne-o impartaseasca pentru a ne motiva sa nu ne dam niciodata batuti, oricat de grele par lucrurile. Iar cu aceasta ocazie va invit si la CONCURS.

Later edit: Am facut extragerea si castigatoarea este “Mamica autentica”. Felicitari!


EN: On August 7th, the people behind the Power of Storytelling and Visual Playground are hosting an event: How to design your creative life. Their guest is the woman responsible for the most long living podcast on creative industries (Design Matters), Debbie Millman, whose life story I found incredibly inspirational. It’s probably one of the few stories about “the American dream” from the contemporary era: a difficult childhood, an unstable family and a burning desire to leave a mark in the branding industry, an area which is really tough to get into. But here we are, 30 years later, and the success she has worked and fought for so hard is the lesson she comes to share with us in order to motivate us never to give up, no matter how things appear to be. And on this note I invite you to a CONTEST:

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Viata in jeans

Cred ca deja toata lumea stie ca unul dintre cele mai cool si clasice branduri de jeans este Levi’s, care in general nu prea are nevoie de prezentari sau introduceri. Deci, care e tinuta voastra favorita?


EN: I think everyone already knows that one of the coolest and classic jeans brands is Levi’s, which doesn’t really need any special introductions.

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7 propuneri pentru vacanta

Pentru ca deja stiti ca Vlad este in vacanta, mi-am luat niste timp si am incercat sa pun cap la cap un program cat mai interesant si variat pentru el, asa cum va povesteam ca am in plan intr-o postare trecuta. Am mers pe la muzee – partial pentru ca e distractiv pentru el, insa, recunosc, partial pentru ca era o activitate ideala pentru o zi caniculara, cand nu era o idee buna sa stai afara. Dar azi va recomand si altfel de locuri interesante de vizitat cu copilul, plus cateva jocuri care i-au facut deja Perfectului meu vacanta mai interesanta.


EN: You already know Vlad is on vacation, so I took some time to put together an interesting and diverse schedule for him, like I already told you I intend to in a previous post. We went to museums- because it’s fun for him, but also because it’s an ideal activity on a hot day, when being outside isn’t a good idea. But today I recommend some different places to visit with your child, plus a few games which already made my Perfect One’s vacation more interesting.

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