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Brosa Moon

Azi este Luna Noua, asa ca azi ma bucur sa anunt o noua lansare Moon by Dana Rogoz: Brosa Moon este o brosa-oglinda, care poate fi personalizata in functie de ce iti dicteaza sufletul sau… stelele. Pentru ca Moon este oglinda ta, stiti deja, de fiecare data cand va veti uita in Brosa Moon veti citi un cuvant care va reprezinta sau care vreti sa va ghideze in viata: emotie, pasiune, vointa, curaj, iubire…. Pot fi gravate inclusiv initiale sau cifre norocoase, sau poate o data anume, cand tot Universul vi s-a schimbat. Voi alegeti cuvantul, noi ne ocupam de restul.


EN: Today we have a New Moon, so I am happy to announce a new launch by Moon by Dana Rogoz: the Moon brooch is a brooch-mirror, which can be personalized according to whatever your heart…or the stars dictate. Because Moon is your mirror, you already know that, so every time you’ll look into the Moon brooch, you’ll read a word which represents you or which you are guided by in your life: emotion, passion, will, courage, love… You can even engrave initials or lucky numbers, or maybe a certain date, when your entire Universe has changed. You pick the word and leave the rest to us.  

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Pentru ca Moon a implinit de curand 5 ani, lansez in spatiu un nou produs. Ghici ghicitoare ce-i? Stiti deja traditia: timp de 3 zile voi posta cate un indiciu, care sa reprezinte noul produs Moon.


EN: Because Moon recently turned 5, I am launching a new product. Can you guess what it is? You already know the tradition: for 3 days I will be posting a clue, which represents the new Moon product.

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Moon by Dana Rogoz 5 ani

Azi Moon by Dana Rogoz implineste 5 ani. La ora 7 seara, din rulota familiei in care imi venise ideea unei genti cu fete detasabile, alaturi de cateva prietene foarte bune, apasam butonul de “Publish” al primului articol legat de plicul Moon, dupa zile intregi de indicii.


EN: Today, Moon by Dana Rogoz turns 5. At 7 pm, from the family trailer where I first had the idea of a bag with detachable covers, together with a few close friends, I pressed the “Publish” button for the first blog post about the Moon clutch, after a couple of days of dropping hints.

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5 zile

Pe 6 februarie Moon by Dana Rogoz implineste 5 ani. As vrea sa suflu in lumanari cu 5 dintre voi, asadar va invit la un mic concurs:


EN: On February 6th, Moon by Dana Rogoz turns 5. I would like to blow out the candles with 5 of you, so I invite you to a contest:

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Agitatie Maxima

Doamne, ce perioada agitata…. ultimele zile inaintea Craciunului, cand vrei sa fie toate perfecte si perfectiunea asta pare ca asteapta sa vina anul nou mai repede.


EN: God, such crazy times… the last days before Christmas, when you want everything to be perfect and this perfection seems like it’s waiting for the new year to arrive earlier.

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Perioada de “glorie” a modei in Romania

Acum cateva zile am incercat sa imi aduc aminte care erau optiunile mele in materie de fashion si, de fapt, ale generatiei, caci doar toti ne imbracam la fel  in anii ’90 si chiar 2000. Pe scurt, ne imbracam cu totii horror…


EN: A few days ago I tried to remember what my options regarding fashion were in the ’90s and also what the options of my entire generation were, because we used to dressed alike during the ’90s and even in 2000. To be brief, we all dressed horribly…

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Brunch cu fetele

Duminica, m-am intalnit cu castigatoarele concursului organizat recent pe blog impreuna cu elmiplant la un brunch la mine acasa, mai exact in Studio Moon. Hai sa va povestesc cum a fost…


EN: On Sunday, I met with the winners of the contest recently organized on the blog together with elmiplant, for a brunch at my house, to be more precise in Moon Studio. Let me tell what it was like…

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