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Timeless Cardigan

Acest cardigan este exact stilul meu. De ce? Pentru ca poate fi purtat in nenumarate feluri si doar stiti ca am aceasta “inclinatie” catre piesele versatile, cu mai multe “fete”.


EN: This cardigan is exactly my style. Why? Because it can be worn in many different ways and you know that I am “inclined” to wear versatile items, with many “faces”.

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In pregatire…

Ieri am avut o zi de filmare pentru un lungmetraj, iar de maine incep pregatirea pentru un altul, despre care o sa ma tot auziti vorbind, caci este cel mai dorit si asteptat proiect al meu. Pregatirea in aceasta etapa presupune inclusiv faptul ca o sa imi petrec destul de mult timp pe la ASE. Deci, poate ne vedem la o cafea in fata facultatii. Ori poate ma si luati cu voi la un curs-doua, asa, fara “credite”. Si sa nu uit, in aceasta perioada repet si pentru un alt spectacol de teatru, care va fi in idis – o limba pe care nu o cunosc absolut deloc. Deci provocari peste provocari!


EN: Yesterday I had a shooting day for a motion picture, and starting tomorrow I will begin preparing for another one, which you will hear a lot of from me, because it is my most wanted and most expected project. At this point preparing also means that I will be spending a lot of time in ASE (Academy for Economic Sciences). So, maybe I’ll see you for coffee outside the university. Or maybe you’ll take me along to one or two of your classes, without “credit points”. And so I don’t forget, currently I am also rehearsing for another theatre show, which will be in Yiddish- a language I have absolutely no idea of. So challenge after challenge!

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