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Hello Shopping

Prietena mea Bianca avea aceasta vorba mereu cand cumpara haine: “Pantofii astia sunt o investitie!”, “Sacoul asta e o investitie, o sa il tot port.” Insa “investitia” presupune acel ceva care, odata cumparat, isi mareste valoarea in timp. Ori hainele, pantofii sau accesoriile (cu exceptia bijuteriilor), cu foarte putine exceptii, nu sunt investitii, sunt simple achizitii. Partea de teorie, descrisa mai sus ii aparine celeilalte prietene, Andreea, care mereu ii dadea aceasta replica Biancai. Sigur, ce nu stia Bianca la vremea respectiva era ca, in ciuda tuturor dovezilor contrare, uneori faci bani chiar si cand cheltuiesti bani: Bonusway.


EN: While shopping, my friend Bianca always used to say: “These shoes are an investment!”, “This jacket is an investment, I will wear it often.” But “the investment” means that what you bought will increase its value over time. While clothes, shoes or accessories (except jewelry), with very few exceptions, are not investments, they’re only acquisitions. The theoretical part described above belongs to my other friend, Andreea, who would always give this line to Bianca. Of course, what Bianca didn’t know at that time is that, despite all other evidence, sometimes you can even make money while spending it: Bonusway.

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