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Hooded Moon Tag

Agitatie Maxima

Doamne, ce perioada agitata…. ultimele zile inaintea Craciunului, cand vrei sa fie toate perfecte si perfectiunea asta pare ca asteapta sa vina anul nou mai repede.


EN: God, such crazy times… the last days before Christmas, when you want everything to be perfect and this perfection seems like it’s waiting for the new year to arrive earlier.

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Perioada de “glorie” a modei in Romania

Acum cateva zile am incercat sa imi aduc aminte care erau optiunile mele in materie de fashion si, de fapt, ale generatiei, caci doar toti ne imbracam la fel  in anii ’90 si chiar 2000. Pe scurt, ne imbracam cu totii horror…


EN: A few days ago I tried to remember what my options regarding fashion were in the ’90s and also what the options of my entire generation were, because we used to dressed alike during the ’90s and even in 2000. To be brief, we all dressed horribly…

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Te iubesc

Pentru ca in tinuta asta port fata detașabila inimioara, despre care Vlad spune ca “arata cat de mult te iubesc pe tine, mama, si pe tine, tata”, m-am gândit să vă povestesc cum am reacționat la prima declarație de iubire din partea lui.


EN: Because in this outfit I am wearing the detachable cover little heart, the one which Vlad says about that it “shows how much I love you, mum, and you, dad”, I thought about telling you how I reacted to his first love declaration.

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Dragi prieteni, am fost nominalizată la Elle Style Awards si in acest an si, daca va doriti, imi puteti acorda votul vostru aici.


EN: Dear friends, for the second year in a row, I have been nominated for the Elle Style Awards and, should you wish to do so, you can vote for me here.

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Vesti bune…

Noiembrie si decembrie sunt cele mai aglomerate luni din an pentru mine. Se aduna o multime de proiecte pentru blog, o multime de filmari, evenimente de prezentat, multe campanii caritabile, plus spectacolele de la teatru si, desigur, Moon by Dana Rogoz. Nu mai stiu de mine, efectiv, dar stiu macar ce face Rulota Moon din 23 noiembrie, timp de o luna: se va intoarce in AFI Cotroceni!


EN: November and December are the busiest months of the year for me. A lot of projects for the blog are piling up, a lot of shootings, events to present, many charitable campaigns, plus the theatre plays and, of course, Moon by Dana Rogoz. I literally don’t know what to do first, but at least I know what the Moon Trailer does for the next month, starting with November 23rd: it will be back in AFI Cotroceni!

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Hooded Moon

Cu foarte mare bucurie va prezint Hooded Moon, primele hanorace cu fete detasabile de pe Pamanat.

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