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Metalic Lila Tag

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Azi-noapte Vlad a avut din nou night terror. A fost horror. Noi ne-am simtit iar neputinciosi si am fost tare amarati, pana de dimineata cand Vlad s-a trezit din somn zicandu-ne: “Am dormit bine”. Ca sa vezi…. Asa ca azi m-am agatat de orice motiv care sa imi aduca din nou o stare de bine. Am cautat fotografii pentru o noua postare si am ajuns la concluzia ca acest lila e destul de …ZEN.


EN: Last night Vlad had a night terror again. It was horrible. Yet again we felt useless and were very upset, until morning when Vlad woke up saying: “I had a good night’s sleep.” Ironic… So today I tried finding every possible reason which might make me feel good again. I looked through some pictures for a new post and I have come to the conclusion that this lilac color is pretty… ZEN.

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