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Pantofi cu atitudine Tag

Despre pantofi cu atitudine

Ma consider o persoana creativa. Cred ca asta este una dintre calitatile mele, drept urmare as vrea sa cred ca asta ma defineste. Sunt un om cu idei, un om care are initiativa si care isi propune mereu sa faca lucruri noi. Nu m-am considerat niciodata o femeie cu adevarat frumoasa, o femeie sexy, drept urmare imaginea exterioara nu ma defineste. Felul in care ma tund, hainele, pantofii si gentile pe care le port, nu ma definesc, in schimb ma ajuta neasteptat de mult in tot ce imi propun. Asta e adevarul. O simpla pereche de pantofi te poate ajuta enorm sa iti duci la bun sfarsit activitatile zilei, iti poate da incredere in tine, iti poate da o stare de bine, iti poate da atitudinea potrivita care sa deschida usi si care sa ii convinga pe ceilalti ca tu esti mai mult decat o imagine, ca tu ai ceva de spus.


EN: I consider myself to be a creative person. I think this is one of my qualities, therefore I like to think that it defines me. I am a person with ideas, with initiative and who always strives to do new things. I never considered myself to be a truly beautiful woman, a sexy woman, therefor my appearance doesn’t define me. The way I cut my hair, my clothes, shoes and bags don’t define me, but they help me out a lot in everything I set my mind on doing. This is the truth. A simple pair of shoes can help you a great deal to finish your daily tasks, can give you confidence in yourself, can give you a feeling of well-being, can give you the right attitude to open doors and convince others that you are more than an image, that you have something to say.

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