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Great Ocean Road: 12 Apostles

Calatoria noastra prin Australia continua cu Great Ocean Road si unul dintre cele mai frumoase locuri pe care le-am vizitat vreodata: The Twelve Apostles.


EN: Our journey through Australia continues with Great Ocean Road and one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited: The Twelve Apostles.

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From Cincsor Transylvania

Imagini din Cincsor, unde eu si Radu am ajuns cu ocazia zilei lui de nastere…

EN: Images from Cincsor, where Radu and I were on his birthday…

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Cu Telefonul (1)

M-am gandit sa lansez azi o noua rubrica pe blogul meu, care sa se numeasca “Cu telefonul” si care sa cuprinda imagini sau video-uri pe care reusesc sa le surprind cu telefonul mobil, caci nu intotdeauna ai camera de fotografiat la indemana. Si am adunat cateva imagini care chiar merita vazute! Incepem, cum altfel, cu domnul Vlad Luca Dragomir, zis si Perfectu’. Primul capitol “cu telefonul” surprinde imagini cu Vlad in locuri interesante din casa. Enjoy!


EN: I thought about launching a new category on my blog, called “With the phone”, which includes images or videos taken with my phone, because you don’t always have the camera on hand. So I gathered a few pictures which are definitely worth seeing! How could we begin if not with Mr. Vlad Luca Dragomir, aka The Perfect One. The first chapter “With the phone” captures photos of Vlad in interesting places around the house. Enjoy!

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Asa cum probabil ati aflat deja, internetul a  vuit cand Pantone a anuntat ca 2016 va avea 2 culori oficiale: Rose Quartz si Serenity. Am ales sa va povestesc pe rand despre cum le vad eu  si de ce cred ca au fost probabil cele mai frumoase culori pe care le puteau alege. Postarea aceasta este despre serenity, preferatul meu!

EN: As you probably already know, the internet went crazy when Pantone announced that 2016 will have 2 official colors: Rose Quartz and Serenity. I chose to tell you how I see each of them and why I think they are probably the most beautiful colors that could be chosen. This blog post is about Serenity, my favorite!
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Lucky Number 3 Moon Party (part II)

Restul de poze de la petrecere promise, dar si extragerea celor trei castigatoare ale tricourilor cu fete detasabile – Moon TSHIRT!


EN: The rest of the promised pictures form the party, but also the names of the three winners of the t-shirts with detachable covers – Moon TSHIRT! 
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Lucky Number 3 Moon Party (part I)

Au sosit pozele de la petrecerea de aniversare a 3 ani de Moon by Dana Rogoz, la care au participat castigatoarele concursului Lucky Moon si cativa prieteni foarte apropiati. Sper ca pozele sa transmita veselia acelei seri de 6 februarie, in care ne-am simtit cu totii ca intr-o mare familie.


EN: The photos from the party for 3 years of Moon by Dana Rogoz, where the winners of the Lucky Moon contest and a few close friends have participated, are here. I hope the pictures can convey the joy of that evening of February 6th, when we all felt like one big happy family.
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