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Cum am devenit antreprenor

“Antreprenoriat” – ce cuvant complicat. Ma bufneste rasul numai cand mi-l imaginez pe Vlad incercand sa-l pronunte. Pe cat de complicat e cuvantul , pe atat de simplu si frumos au crescut lucrurile in cazul propriului meu business. Pentru ca primesc multe intrebari legate de acest subiect, azi va voi povesti mai pe larg despre cum am ajuns antreprenor, cum mi-am ales ideea de business, cum am finantat-o, care au fost provocarile la inceput si ce lectii am invatat pana acum din toata aceasta experienta.


EN: “Entrepreneurship” – what a complicated word. It makes me laugh just imagining Vlad trying to pronounce it. As complicated as the word may be, as easy and beautifully have things grown for my own brand. Because I get a lot of questions on the topic, today I am going to tell you more about how I became an entrepreneur, how I chose my business idea, how I financed it, what the challenges were in the beginning and what lessons this experience has taught me so far.

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