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Made in RO

Brand romanesc?! Pe bune?!

De fiecare data cand am purtat aceasta rochie am primit reactii pozitive: “Vaaai, ce frumoasa eeeee! Da’ ce bine iti vine! Are un material bestial!”. Si cand le-am spus ca e de la “un brand romanesc”, oamenii au fost si mai surprinsi. Eu de mult nu ma mai mir cand vad ceva cu un design interesant, bine croit si din materiale bune MADE IN ROMANIA. Yey!


EN: I only received positive reactions every time I would wear this dress: “Wooow, it’s so beautiful! It looks so good on you! The fabric is awesome!”. And when I told them it’s from a “Romanian brand”, people were even more surprised. As for myself, I’m not so astounded anymore when I see something with an interesting design, nice cut and good fabrics MADE IN ROMANIA. Yey!

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Cand ajungeti in Moon Studio

Ne-am intors in Moon Studio, cu mai multe informatii legate de produsele pe care le puteti gasi aici, in afara celor din colectia Moon, desigur. Daca trebuie sa cumparati urgent un cadou inedit, creat de un designer roman, s-ar putea sa-l gasiti chiar aici.


EN: Back to Moon Studio, with more information about the products you can find here, besides those from the Moon collection, of course. If you have to buy a unique gift right away, made by a Romanian designer, you might find it right here.

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Azi e Ziua Moon: 4 ANI!

Azi, Moon by Dana Rogoz implineste 4 ani. Am adunat imagini din cele mai frumoase momente petrecute in ultimul an, de la lansarea Moon by Dana Rogoz Brussels, din calatoria cu Rulota Moon la Sibiu, din Moon Studio, de la evenimentul de lansare al tricoului cu fete detasabile Moon sau din proiectul Moon Girl. Greu de crezut, dar toate s-au intamplat intr-un singur an! Sper ca si al patrulea sa fie la fel de norocos. Si tot azi incep si reducerile aniversare!

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Moon merge la Materia

Pe 5 și 6 noiembrie Moon by Dana Rogoz va merge la Materia, adică primul târg de design contemporan în piele, ce se va desfășura în intervalul 11:00 – 20:00 la Grand Hotel du Boulevard. Sunt atât de incantata de faptul ca sunt unul dintre cei 45 de designeri invitați, încât m-am gândit sa lansez și o ediție limitata a plicului Moon, dintr-o piele argintie, cu o textura ce amintește de terenul accidentat al Lunii.


EN: On the 5th and 6th of November, Moon by Dana Rogoz will be at Materia, the first contemporary leather design fair, which will take place between 11- 20 o’clock, at Grand Hotel du Boulevard. I am so excited to be one of the 45 invited designers, so I thought I would launch a limited edition of the Moon clutch, made from a silver leather, with a texture which reminds of the Moon’s soil.

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O noua colectie de Fete Detasabile

O noua serie de fete detasabile, tocmai bune pentru noul sezon de toamna. Sincer va spun ca imi plac atat de mult, incat mi-e imposibil sa fac un top. Abia astept sa le scot la plimbare si sa va recomand tinute in care sunt bine puse in valoare. Deci, sa incepem prezentarile:


EN: A new line of detachable covers, perfect for the new fall season. I honestly have to say I like them so much, it’s impossible for me to rank them. I can hardly wait to take them out for a walk and I recommend outfits which highlight them as much as possible. So, let the introductions begin:

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Moon by Dana Rogoz Brussels

Rue de Rollebeek 46, Place Sablon. Aceasta este adresa magazinului Moon by Dana Rogoz Brussels, iar acestea sunt imaginile de la deschiderea lui oficiala de duminica trecuta:


EN: Rue de Rollebeek 46, Place Sablon. This is the address of the Moon by Dana Rogoz Brussels store, and these are the pictures from its official opening last Sunday:

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Cum am devenit antreprenor

“Antreprenoriat” – ce cuvant complicat. Ma bufneste rasul numai cand mi-l imaginez pe Vlad incercand sa-l pronunte. Pe cat de complicat e cuvantul , pe atat de simplu si frumos au crescut lucrurile in cazul propriului meu business. Pentru ca primesc multe intrebari legate de acest subiect, azi va voi povesti mai pe larg despre cum am ajuns antreprenor, cum mi-am ales ideea de business, cum am finantat-o, care au fost provocarile la inceput si ce lectii am invatat pana acum din toata aceasta experienta.


EN: “Entrepreneurship” – what a complicated word. It makes me laugh just imagining Vlad trying to pronounce it. As complicated as the word may be, as easy and beautifully have things grown for my own brand. Because I get a lot of questions on the topic, today I am going to tell you more about how I became an entrepreneur, how I chose my business idea, how I financed it, what the challenges were in the beginning and what lessons this experience has taught me so far.

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