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Parinte relaxat sau grijuliu?

Duminica, asa cum va povesteam intr-o postare anterioara, am participat la picnicul organizat de Metropolitan Life la Roaba de Cultura. A fost un nou prilej de a-l urmari pe Vlad din umbra, alaturi de alti copii de varste diferite, dar si un prilej de a ma autoanaliza in raport cu ceilalti parinti prezinti. Cred ca majoritatea ne autonumim parinti responsabili si “relaxati”. Dar oare cum sunt eu de fapt?


EN: As I have mentioned in a previous post, on Sunday I was at the picnic organized by Metropolitan Life at Roaba de Cultura.  It was another opportunity for me to watch Vlad, as he played with kids of different ages, but also to analyze myself in comparison to other parents who were present. I think most of us call ourselves responsible and “relaxed” parents. But what am I really like?

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