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Fiind unul dintre primele magazine “din afara” care au aparut in Romania, tin minte perfect cand am intrat pentru prima oara intr-un Marks & Spencer si cum m-am minunat de varietatea foarte mare de haine. Eram adolescenta pe atunci, si nu pot sa zic ca ma regaseam neaparat in stilul lor ceva mai matur sau in croiurile clasice propuse. Asta pentru ca stilul meu personal era mai mult decat discutabil in etapa respectiva, dorindu-mi cu orice pret sa fiu “sexy” si cam atat… Dar, fast forward “cativa” ani mai tarziu, redescopar Marks & Spencer tare entuziasmata!


EN: It was one of the first stores “from abroad” which opened in Romania, so I remember perfectly when I entered a Marks& Spencer for the first time and how I was amazed by their very large variety of clothes. I was a teenager back then, and I can’t really say that I necessarily found myself in their slightly more mature style or in the classical tailoring they offered. That’s also because my personal style was more than debatable at that point, when the only thing I wanted was to be “sexy”… But, fast forward a few years later, I am very happy to rediscover Marks& Spencer!

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