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Walk Tall

Nu ma intereseaza barfele despre mine, nu ma las doborata de mentalitati invechite, nu cred in “nu se poate”. Pasesc cu incredere pentru ca stiu ca merit pe deplin tot ce am. Tot timpul am spus ca o femeie e mai frumoasa atunci cand e fericita, si cred in continuare asta. Numai ca fericirea in stare pura e doar un moment, o clipa. Asa ca revin la aceasta sintagma si spun ca o femeie e mai frumoasa atunci cand are incredere in ea.


I’m not interested in gossip about me, I won’t let myself be put down by obsolete mentalities, I don’t believe in “it’s not possible”. I walk tall because I know I fully deserve everything I have. I have always said that a woman is more beautiful when she is happy, and I still believe that. It’s just that happiness in a pure state is just a moment, an instant. So I go back and I say that a woman is more beautiful when she has confidence in herself.

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