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She’s Mercedes Tag

She’s Rhea Costa. She’s Mercedes


Am auzit in ultima vreme despre o multime de proiecte si evenimente care incurajeaza femeile sa se intalneasca si sa relationeze cat mai mult in plan profesional. Practic te poti intalni cu o multime de femei implicate intr-o multime de proiecte cu scopul de a ajunge sa colaborezi cu ele – networking pentru femei! Mi-a placut cu atat mai mult gandul din spatele unor asemenea initiative cu cat mi-am dat seama ca, prinse la birouri sau in propriile noastre proiecte, rar ne largim cercul si includem in spatiul nostru profesional o voce noua. In fond femeile de succes sunt o pepiniera constanta de idei, iar notiunea de a ne intalni pentru a ne inspira reciproc, desi aparent destul de banala, este ceva ce din pacate nu punem in practica atat de mult.


EN: Lately I have heard about many projects and events which encourage women to meet and network on a professional level. Basically you can meet many women involved in many projects, with the purpose of collaborating with them- networking for women! I especially liked the thought behind such initiatives since most of us, caught up with work at our own desks or involved in our own projects, we rarely get to enlarge our social circle and to include a new voice in our professional space. Successful women are a constant source of ideas, and the notion of a get together for mutual inspiration, although apparently pretty basic, is something we unfortunately don’t put to practice too often.

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