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Sri Lanka Tag

Sri Lanka II

Am revenit cu imagini din Sri Lanka, de care a inceput sa mi se faca foarte dor. Ma gandesc serios sa ne intoarcem la iarna acolo. Nu am luat inca o decizie clara, dar cand ma uit pest aceste fotografii sau peste vlogurile de pe YouTube, imi vine brusc sa cumpar biletele de avion. Apropo, chiar acum am urcat pe canalul meu al doilea episod de vlog “Brambura prin lume” prin Sri Lanka.

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Sri Lanka (I)

Am avut de curand o discutie in familie si s-a votat in unanimitate ca cel mai bine de pana acum, din toate vacantele petrecute impreuna, ne-a fost in Sri Lanka. Pur si simplu ne-am indragostit de privelisti, de atmosfera prietenoasa a localnicilor, de tuktuk, de plaje, de plantatiile de ceai… de tot. Pregatiti-va pentru multe serii de fotografii…


EN: During a recent family talk, it was unanimously decided that, out of all the vacations we have spent together so far, we had the best time in Sri Lanka. We just fell in love with the views, the friendly atmosphere of the locals, the Tuktuk, the beaches, the tea plantations…everything. Prepare to see many sets of pictures….

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Intoarcerea acasa

Ne-am intors sambata in tara, cand pilotul ne anunta ca la sol ne asteapta -10 grade. Diferenta de doar 45 de grade intre Sri Lanka si Romania nu m-a speriat prea tare, desi am iesit din aeroport incaltata in sandale (cu ciorapii lui Radu cu tot). Ba chiar m-am bucurat ca e zapada si ca ne mai putem inca bucura de ea.


EN: We got back home Saturday, when the pilot announced that we were expected with a temperature of -10 degrees . I wasn’t that scared of the 45 degrees difference between Sri Lanka and Romania, even though I stepped out of the airport wearing sandals (including Radu’s socks). I was actually happy about the snow and about the fact that we get to enjoy it for a while.

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Urmatoarea destinatie este….

Am ales destinatia pentru vacanta de iarna. Mama, ia un loc, tine-te bine: SRI LANKA.


EN: We picked out the destination for our summer vacation. Mom, have a seat: SRI LANKA.

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