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September 2016

Hey you Susan Miller

Stiti cum sta treaba cu horoscopul? Nu cred in el decat atunci cand imi zice de bine. Si nu incep sa il citesc decat atunci cand trec printr-o perioada mai nasoala, sperand ca voi afla ca de vina e Mercur ala retrograd sau Saturn cel enervant. Adica sa fie clara treaba: nu e vina mea, eu sunt o mi-nu-na-ta, e vina stelelor, nene!


EN: You know what’s up with the horoscope? I only trust it when it says something good for me. And I don’t start reading it unless I am going through a rough patch, hoping I’ll find out that Mercury is retrograde or the annoying Saturn. Just to be clear: it’s not my fault, I am won-der-ful, it’s the stars, man!

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