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September 2016

Numaratoarea inversa pana la 31

In cateva zile voi implini 31 de ani si, inevitabil, trec printr-o perioada de autoanaliza, cu bune si cu rele. Ce mi-a adus ultimul an? Care au fost cele mai frumoase amintiri? Si ce nu a mers asa cum imi propusesem? Subiectul e cam lung, asa ca in aceasta postare voi vorbi – la initiativa Prigat Romania – doar despre momentele de timeout pe care mi le-am luat la 30 de ani. Si jur ca e bine sa iti iei un timeout si sa le scrii incetisor pe o foaie de hartie, pe o pagina de web, oriunde, doar sa le scrii. Eu asa am contstatat ca anul asta chiar mi-a adus multe momente de bucurie, de liniste, de implinire.


EN: In a couple of days I’ll turn 31 and, inevitably, I am going through a phase of auto analysis , with all the good and the bad. What has the past year brought me? What are the most beautiful memories? And what didn’t go as planned? The topic is rather long, so in this post I will talk about – as invited by Prigat- the timeout moments I took at 30. And I swear it’s good to take a timeout and write them all down, on a piece of paper, on a web page, anywhere, just write them down. This is how I got to conclusion that this year has brought me many moments of joy, peace, fulfillment.

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