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October 2017

Brand romanesc?! Pe bune?!

De fiecare data cand am purtat aceasta rochie am primit reactii pozitive: “Vaaai, ce frumoasa eeeee! Da’ ce bine iti vine! Are un material bestial!”. Si cand le-am spus ca e de la “un brand romanesc”, oamenii au fost si mai surprinsi. Eu de mult nu ma mai mir cand vad ceva cu un design interesant, bine croit si din materiale bune MADE IN ROMANIA. Yey!


EN: I only received positive reactions every time I would wear this dress: “Wooow, it’s so beautiful! It looks so good on you! The fabric is awesome!”. And when I told them it’s from a “Romanian brand”, people were even more surprised. As for myself, I’m not so astounded anymore when I see something with an interesting design, nice cut and good fabrics MADE IN ROMANIA. Yey!

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