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July 2017

Schimbari drastice pentru parul meu

Gata! Oficial mi-am gasit cea mai cool coafura, pe care as purta-o in fiecare zi vara aceasta. De cand am participat la Hair Fashion Night, rog toti hairsylistii pe care ii intalnesc sa imi aranjeze parul asa. Si cu ocazia aceasta, va spun si ce planuri mai am cu parul meu, ca sa imi spuneti ce parere aveti.


EN: It’s done! I have officially found the coolest hairdo, which I would wear every day this summer. Ever since I have attended Hair Fashion Night, I keep asking all the stylist I meet to do my hair like that. And on this occasion, I want to tell you about the plans I have for my hair, so you can tell me your opinion.

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O Lunatica Norocoasa

Am fost impresionata de numarul mare de participanti la concursul Moon, cu noua colectie de vara de fete detasabile. Au fost peste 500 de femei care si-au dorit sa poarte plicul meu Moon, iar asta ma face mandra si fericita. Dar castigatoarea este…


EN: I was very impressed by the large number of participants in the Moon collection contest, with the new summer collection of detachable covers. There were over 500 women who wanted to wear my Moon clutch, which makes me proud and happy. But the winner is…

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Prima zi de vacanta

Azi a fost prima zi de vacanta a lui Vlad, caci gradinita s-a inchis si asa va ramane pana in septembrie. Deci, cum sa le facem un program interesant copiilor si cand afara sunt 40 de grade?


EN: Today was Vlad’s first summer vacation day, because kindergarten is closed and will remain so until September. So, how do we keep the kids entertained when there’s 40 degrees Celsius outside? 

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Efectul culorilor asupra noastra

Cat traiesti inveti. Stiati ca oamenii pot distinge pana la 10 milioane de culori diferite? Care este efectul culorilor asupra noastra si cum pot fi ele integrate prin tehnologie in casa noastra, aflati imediat.


EN: You learn your entire life. Did you know that people can tell apart up to 10 million different colors? What is the effect of colors on us and how they can be integrated into the technology from our own homes, you will soon find out.

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Picioare prea lungi

O tinuta de vacanta, pentru cei plecati, dar si pentru cei ramasi inca in oras, dar care tanjesc dupa cateva zile libere, intr-o destinatie exotica. Sunt innebunita dupa acest model de pantaloni, care lungeste vizual picioarele. Si asta pentru ca nu exista sa spui: “Domne, are picioare prea lungi”.


EN: A holiday outfit, for those of you who are away, but also for those who are still in town, but who long for a few days off, on an exotic getaway. I really like this pants model, which makes your legs look longer. Because there’s no such thing as saying: “God, her legs are way too long.”

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#Digitaliada, generatia 2017

Va povesteam intr-o postare mai veche de pe blog despre #Digitaliada, unul dintre cele mai interesante proiecte de educatie digitala din Romania si cat de important si motivant este faptul ca ii ambitioneaza pe profesori sa isi dezvolte propriile materiale de studiu.


EN: In an older post, I told you about #Digitaliada, one of the most interesting digital education projects in Romania and about how important and motivating it is that they challenge teachers to develop their own study materials.

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