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November 2018

La prima ora

Cum te simti cand te trezesti dimineata, te uiti pe fereastra si vezi cum prima zapada a acoperit copacii, masinile, strada…? Si apoi fugi in bucatarie si, inainte sa se scoale copilul si sa inceapa agitatia, savurezi prima cafea a zilei. Cum te simti in momentul acela, la prima cafea a zilei, de la prima zapada a anului?


EN: How does it make you feel when you get up in the morning, look out the window and see how the first snow has covered the trees, cars, street…? And then you run to the kitchen and, before the child wakes up and the hustle begins, you savor the first cup of coffee of the day. How do you feel in that moment, on your first cup of coffee of the day, for the first snow of the year?

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