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April 2019

Moon @Alist Designers Boutique

Ce mai face Moon drag al meu? Pai se pregateste pentru o luna de pop up store, in Bucuresti Mall, la invitatia A List Magazine. Asadar, notati-va in calendar 16 aprilie, ora 19:00, cand va invit la deschiderea AList Designers Boutique cu Moon by Dana Rogoz si Lisa&Co.

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Vestitorul primaverii

Parca in ultimele zile am avut chef, cu adevarat chef sa ma ridic din pat si sa imi fac un outfit bun. Si cand imi vine cheful sa imi compun tinute, atunci stiu ca a venit si primavara cu adevarat. Gata, nu imi mai doresc doar niste pulovere confortabile si un palton oversized. Nu, primavara am chef sa ma gandesc ce mi-ar placea sa port si cum pot asorta piesele cat mai bine. Imi place sa incerc chiar sa port tocuri mai des decat de obicei. Desigur, nu zilnic, pentru ca nu e tocmai practic cand ai multe drumuri si un copil mic… Imi place sa iau in calcul si accesorizarea: niste cercei mai fun, o geanta mai cool, poate niste noi ochelari de soare, de ce nu?


EN: These past few days I really felt like getting out of bed and putting together a good outfit. And when I’m in the mood for creating new outfits, I know spring is really here. I’m all done with comfy sweaters and oversized coats. In spring I’m in the mood to think about what I’m going to wear and how I can match the pieces best. I also enjoy wearing heels more often than usual. Of course not on a daily basis, because they’re not really practical when you have lots of places to be plus a child… I also like to consider accessorizing: a fun pair of earrings, a cooler bag, maybe a new pair of sunglasses, why not?

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Ziua Mondiala a Teatrului

Azi, de Ziua Mondiala a Teatrului, am sa va va vorbesc despre “Proof” (regia Andrei si Andreea Grosu), spectacol ce va avea avanpremiera in doar cateva zile.


EN: Today, on the International Day of Theatre, I will talk to you about “Proof” (directed by Andrei and Andreea Grosu), play which will premiere in just a few days.

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Mici colectionari

Impreuna cu Radu am decis ca in fiecare an, de ziua lui, Vlad sa primeasca de la noi, pe langa lucrurile pe care chiar trebuie sa le aiba (masinute, elicoptere sau bucatarii de plastic, stiti voi, lucruri esentiale) si niste lucruri care sa aiba o valoare reala. Asa am ajuns sa incepem, incet dar sigur, sa ii cream o mica colectie de arta romaneasca. Am inceput timid, insa in fiecare an mai adaugam cate o piesa si ne-am descoperit transformandu-ne din pasionati, in colectionari amatori. Suntem la inceput, dar pe drum!


EN: Radu and I decided that each year, for Vlad’s birthday, we give him, beside the things he must have (toy cars, helicopters or kitchen sets, you know, the essential things) also some things with a real value. And this is how we started our own little collection of Romanian art. We began with small steps, but every year we add one more piece and this how we became amateur art collectors. We are only at the beginning of the road, but we’ re sticking to it!

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Ziua Fericirii

Am aflat de pe Instagram ca azi e Ziua Fericirii. Mi se pare dragut ca exista o zi in care am putea sa ne luam fericirea in serios.


EN: I found out on Instagram that today is Happiness Day. I think it’s cute that there is a day in which we can take our own happiness seriously.

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