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Gala Met- Cele mai bune tinute

Rei Kawakubo, designerul din spatele brandului Commes des Garcons, este in atentia industriei de fashion, o data cu deschiderea noii expozitii de la Metropolitan Museum of Art din New York. Expozitia se numeste Rei Kawakubo/ Commes de Garcons: Art of the In-Between si face o recenzie exhaustiva a tuturor pieselor iconice ale unuia dintre cele mai avangardiste branduri. Linia fina dintre moda si anti-moda, relatia dintre frumos si urat, dintre structural si de-construit – toate aceste teme explorate de Rei Kawakubo se regasesc in creatiile sale, acum atent alese intr-o expozitie pe care va recomand sa o vizitati, daca aceasta vara va duce prin New York.


EN: Rei Kawakubo, the designer behind the brand Commes des Garcons, is in the focus of the fashion industry, ever since the opening of the new exhibition from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exhibition is called Rei Kawakubo/ Commes de Garcons: Art of the In-Between and makes an exhaustive review of all the iconic pieces from one of the most avant-garde brands. The fine line between fashion and anti- fashion, the relationship between beautiful and ugly, between structural and de- structured- all these themes explored by Rei Kawakubo are found in his creations, now carefully selected in an exhibition which I recommend you visit, if your roads lead to New York this summer.

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Stilul clasic e accesibil

In fiecare sezon imi place sa descopar noile trenduri insa daca e sa fiu complet sincera, piesele de baza din garderoba mea au fost si vor ramane mereu cele simple: o pereche de blugi bine croiti intr-o culoare clasica, un top usor de asortat, o haina care sa adauge sare si piper unei tinute lejere de zi si cateva accesorii.


EN: Each season I like to discover new trends but in all honesty, the basic items in my wardrobe have been and will be the simplest ones: a pair of well tailored jeans in a classic color, an easy to match top, a coat to add some salt and pepper to a casual daytime outfit and some accessories.

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Shop my look: Feminin Masculin

Mi-a placut atat de mult sedinta foto pentru postul Feminin- Masculin, incat am decis ca ar fi tare simpatic sa inaugurez o noua rubrica pe blog: recomandari de shopping pe baza tinutelor mele. Pe scurt: shop my look! Simpatic, nu?


EN: I liked the photo shooting for the Feminine-Masculine blog post so much, that I have decided it would be really nice to have a new section on the blog: shop my look, shopping recommendations based on my outfits. Nice, right? 

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