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Jupiter in Sagetator

Acum cateva seri, am fost invitata de catre AList la Cina Zodiilor. Urmarisem pe Instagram cum sarbatorisera alte zodii si recunosc ca asteptam randul Balantelor cu interes. Pe scurt, Neti Sandu ne-a linistit spunandu-ne ca “intra Jupiter in Sagetator”! “Ce inseamna asta, Neti? Fie-ti mila de mine, ii zic, si spune-mi te rog.” Intotdeauna cand vorbesc cu cunoscatorii sau pasionatii de subiect, am senzatia ca toti vorbesc intre ei o Pasareasca, pe care oricat de atent as asculta-o, tot nu as pricepe-o. Ce e aia casa a 7-a? Ce e aia Venus retrograd?


EN: A few evenings ago, I was invited by AList to the Dinner of the Signs. I had already seen how other signs have celebrated and I admit that I was anxiously awaiting for the Libras’ turn. Fact is, Neti Sandu put our minds to ease by saying that “Jupiter enters Sagittarius”! “What does that mean, Neti? Please have mercy on me and explain, please.” Every time I talk to connoisseurs or people who are passionate about the subject, I get the feeling that they all talk amongst each other in a foreign language, which, no matter how hard I try, I can’t decipher. What is the 7th house? What is Venus in retrograde?  

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