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O toamna cu chef de viata

Toamna este ziua mea si a unora dintre cele mai bune si vechi prietene ale mele, asa ca intotdeauna mi se pare ca acest sezon are un aer de prospetime. Dupa vara sufocanta vin deodata: o racoare placuta, apusuri senzationale, soarele superb de octombrie si sezonul tricoturilor, paturicilor de lana si a vinului rosu. E ceva tare romantic la acest anotimp, nu poate sa nege nimeni asta!


EN: Both mine and some of my best friends birthdays are in fall, so I always feel like this season brings a breath of fresh air. After the suffocating summer we all of the sudden have: a pleasant chilly temperature, sensational sunsets, the beautiful October sun and the perfect season for knitwear, wool blankets and red wine. There’s no denying that there’s something very romantic about this season.

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