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August 2017

Final de Thailanda 2017

Unii oameni care imi urmaresc mai rar activitatea vor trage probabil concluzia ca eu de vreo jumatate de an sunt prin vacanta in Asia (si nu numai). De fapt, pur si simplu am mai selectat poze pe care vreau sa vi le arat, chiar daca vacanta din imagini s-a petrecut in luna aprilie. Asadar, dupa cum va dati seama si din titlu, va invit sa vedeti ultimele imagini din vacanta in Thailanda de anul acesta:


EN: People who only follow my activity on the blog on random occasions will probably come to the conclusion that I have been vacationing through Asia (and not only) for the past 6 months. Actually, I just selected some pictures I want to show you, even though this vacation took place in April. So, as you could tell from the title, I invite you to see the last images from our vacation in Thailand this year:

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Am gasit o comoara

Am facut extragerea si am aflat cine este castigatoarea imprimantei Canon din imagine:

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Pantofii toamnei 2017

*Un ghid nepractic pentru cumparaturile acestei toamne

Fiecare nou sezon aduce trend-uri interesante, insa anul acesta lumina reflectoarelor este in mod sigur pe pantofi: nu stiu sa fi avut vreodata o bogatie mai mare de propuneri ca in acest an. De la satin si catifea la o explozie de culori si forme, in mod sigur toamna asta aduce pe rafturile magazinelor cate ceva pentru oricine.


EN: *A non-practical guide for shopping this fall

Each new season brings along interesting trends, but this year the spotlight is most certainly on shoes: I don’t remember any other season having more proposals than this one. From satin and velvet to an explosion of colors and shapes, fall is most definitely the season for everyone to find something they like.

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Acest articol este dedicat celor care au crezut ca au peretii casei suficient de grosi, ca au camerele suficient de umbrite si racoroase, dar care totusi, cand se trezesc acum dimineata si se dau jos din pat, lasa cearceaful ud de la cele aproape de 30 de grade absolut innebunitoare. Deci, acesta este un articol pentru cei in cautarea unui aer conditionat. Dar si pentru cei care vor sa stie de la cine am primit cadou aceasta rochie adorabila.


EN: This post is dedicated to those who thought the walls in their houses are thick enough, that their rooms are shady and cool enough, but who still wake up in the morning and leave a wet bedsheet behind from the dazzling 30 degrees during the night. So, this is an article for those in search of an AC. But also for those who wish to know where I got this adorable dress from.

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Imbracata ca o mama

Iata si ultima tinuta din seria dedicata lansarii modelului Moon Flowers, formata dintr-o rochie cu a carei lungime efectiv m-am dezobisnuit. Pai, ce, asa se imbraca o mama?!?


EN: Here’s the latest outfit dedicated to the launch of the Moon Flowers model, made up from a dress with a size I am not used to anymore. Is this what a mother dresses like?

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Intrevedere dupa o saptamana

Ne-am intors acasa din Sarajevo azi-noapte, asa ca azi de dimineata ne-a trezit din somn dorul de Vlad. O saptamana intreaga – cea mai lunga pauza de pana acum.


EN: Last night we returned from Sarajevo, so this morning we woke up missing Vlad. An entire week- the longest break so far.

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