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December 2017

3 motive

Rulota Moon s-a reîntors in AFI Cotroceni pentru o luna, asa ca stiu tot ce misca pe holurile acestui mall. M-am gandit sa va dau 3 motive să vă reîntoarceti si voi în AFI in luna decembrie.


EN: The Moon Trailer is back in AFI Cotroceni for one month, so I know everything going on the hallways of this mall. I thought I should give you 3 reasons to come back to AFI this December.

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Sambata si duminica pe Pluto

Poveste adevarata. Ieri dimineață am luat micul dejun in familie, acasa. Doar in weekend apucăm să ne întindem la masa, sa gustam din toate si sa stam la povesti. Asa ca ieri am discutat cu Vlad despre ce inseamna “o idee genială”.


EN: True story. Yesterday morning we had breakfast together, at home. It’s only during weekends that we get to spend time at the table together, chatting and tasting a bit of everything on the plates. So yesterday we had a talk with Vlad about what “a brilliant idea” means.

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Targul de Craciun Cluj

Exact acum o saptamana eram cu familia la targul de Craciun din Cluj. Acolo am simtit pentru prima oara anul acesta atmosfera de sarbatoare.


EN: Exactly one week ago, my family and I were at the Christmas fair in Cluj. There, for the first time this year, I felt the holiday spirit.

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Hello Shopping

Prietena mea Bianca avea aceasta vorba mereu cand cumpara haine: “Pantofii astia sunt o investitie!”, “Sacoul asta e o investitie, o sa il tot port.” Insa “investitia” presupune acel ceva care, odata cumparat, isi mareste valoarea in timp. Ori hainele, pantofii sau accesoriile (cu exceptia bijuteriilor), cu foarte putine exceptii, nu sunt investitii, sunt simple achizitii. Partea de teorie, descrisa mai sus ii aparine celeilalte prietene, Andreea, care mereu ii dadea aceasta replica Biancai. Sigur, ce nu stia Bianca la vremea respectiva era ca, in ciuda tuturor dovezilor contrare, uneori faci bani chiar si cand cheltuiesti bani: Bonusway.


EN: While shopping, my friend Bianca always used to say: “These shoes are an investment!”, “This jacket is an investment, I will wear it often.” But “the investment” means that what you bought will increase its value over time. While clothes, shoes or accessories (except jewelry), with very few exceptions, are not investments, they’re only acquisitions. The theoretical part described above belongs to my other friend, Andreea, who would always give this line to Bianca. Of course, what Bianca didn’t know at that time is that, despite all other evidence, sometimes you can even make money while spending it: Bonusway.

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Cate cadouri incap pe o lista?

Un nou sezon al cadourilor, o noua provocare, o noua nebunie! Astazi am fost cu Radu in mall sa cautam o prima parte din cadourile lui Mos Craciun, ca asa se ambitioneaza el sa lase cadourile tuturor prin magazine, cu etichete de pret pe ele! Si cautand noi dulciuri si masinute, ne-am dat seama amandoi in fix acelasi moment, cu un mic licar de panica in ochi, ca situatia este foarte grava pentru ca nu avem un singur cadou de luat…..avem probabil vreo 31987 de cadouri de gasit, dupa chipul si marimea fiecarui prieten, frate, cumnata, mama si tot asa. Banuiesc ca si voi stati tot cam la fel, asa ca iata, de data aceasta am si o posibila solutie care sper sa va mai dezlege cateva mistere, dar si un Concurs!


EN: A new season for gifts, a new challenge, again a crazy time! Today, Radu and I went to the mall looking for part of Santa’s gifts, because that’s what he does: he leaves everyone’s gifts in the stores, with price tags on them! And while looking for candy and toys, we both realized at the same tome, with a shimmer of panic in our eyes, that the situation is very serious, because we don’t have one single gift to buy…we have about 31987 gifts to find, according to the look and size of each friend, brother, sister-in-law, mother and so on. I guess it’s about the same with you, so this time I might have a possible solution to solve a few mysteries, but also a Contest!

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O paturica, o cana de ceai fierbinte si o casa calda – Concurs

Ieri dimineata cand am iesit afara din casa, mi-am dat seama ca mirosea a IARNA. Fix acel mix de miros de lemn ars, de aer rece si ger. Chiar daca erau 8 grade, pentru cateva secunde am simtit ca sta sa ninga si ca iarna a inceput deja cu adevarat. Si pe cat imi plac iarna si zapada, pe atat de mult imi place sa ma intorc intr-o casa in care este cald, cu beculete aprinse si veioze a caror lumina este cat mai mica, unde miroase a scortisoara si a portocale decojite… O casa in care totul e pregatit pentru Craciun.


EN: When I left the house yesterday morning, I realized I smelled like WINTER. The smell of burning wood, cold air and freezing weather. Even though we had 8 degrees, for a few seconds I felt like it was about to snow and that winter really has arrived. And as much as I like winter and snow, I really like coming back to a warm home, with Christmas lights, where it smells like cinnamon and peeled oranges… A house where everything is prepared for Christmas.

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Mos Nicolae 2017

Nu gasesc cuvintele sa descriu bucuria si emotia pe care ni le aduce Vlad in suflete, mai ales in astfel de momente ale anului. Hai sa va povestesc ce i-a cerut lui Mos Nicolae si cum am petrecut noaptea trecuta, dar si dimineata aceasta. Filmuletul cu descoperirea ghetutelor sper sa va transmita macar o zecime din magia, emotia, farmecul acestei sarbatori. Sunt foarte fericita.


EN: I simply can’t find the words to describe the joy and thrill Vlad brings to our souls, especially in such moments of the year. Let me tell you about what he asked St Nicholas for and how last night and this morning were like. I hope the video of him discovering his little boots brings you at least the tenth part of the magic, emotion and charm of this holiday. I am very happy.

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