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August 2017

Viata dupa santier

Zilele trecute v-am aratat cum ne-am amenajat dormitorul si baia, iar din feedback-ul primit un lucru mi-e clar: subiectul design interior va preocupa. Asa ca iată o nouă porție de fotografii din holul principal al casei, care leagă toate camerele. As fi vrut să vi-l arat mai repede, dar pana acum 2 zile a fost un mic șantier la noi, caci ne-am montat – in sfarsit – aerul conditionat. Dar acum e din nou curat, toate așezate la locul lor si, în plus, e o temperatură ideală!


EN: A few days ago I showed you how we decorated our bedroom and bathroom, and one thing was clear from your feedback: the interior design topic is of great interest to you. So here are some new pictures from the main hallway of our house, which connects all rooms. I would have liked to show it to you earlier, but until 2 days ago we had a small construction site at our place, because we have – finally – installed our AC. But now it’s clean again, everything is where it should be and the temperature is ideal!

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E goala casa

Am avut o noapte si o dimineata tare ciudate. Asta ca sa nu zic “tristute”.


EN: I have had a very weird night and a morning. And by that I actually mean “pretty sad”.

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Flowers on the Moon

Weekend-ul acesta, Rulota Moon va asteapta la Summer Well! Yuhuuu! Abia astept!


EN: This weekend, the Moon Trailer is expecting you at Summer Well! Yuhuuu! I can hardly wait!

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NEW MOON: Flowers & Newspaper

Azi va prezint doua genti cu fete detasabile noi: Moon Flowers si Moon Newspaper. Spre deosebire de modelul clasic, acestea includ un lant detasabil cu maner de piele, astfel incat sa poata fi purtate cat mai mult timp si in cat mai multe combinatii. LE ADOR!


EN: Today I am presenting to you two new clutches with detachable covers: Moon Flowers and Moon Newspaper. As opposed to the classic model, these include a detachable chain with leather handle, so it can be worn for as long and in as many combinations as possible. I LOVE THEM!

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My Bedroom

V-am aratat cum am amenajat mansarda, apoi camera lui Vlad cand era mai mic (caci acum e deja la alta etapa), iar acum urmeaza dormitorul nostru. Sper ca aceste imagini sa va inspire, asa cum si pe mine si Radu ne-au inspirat alte bloguri sau imagini de pe Pinterest.


EN: I already showed you how we decorated our loft, then Vlad’s room from when he was younger (because he’s already at a different stage now), and now our bedroom. I hope these images will inspire you, just as Radu and I were inspired by other blogs or pictures from Pinterest.

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Filmul Mo

Filmul “Mo”, pe care l-am filmat împreună cu Radu in lunile februarie – martie ale acestui an si in care joc alături de Răzvan Vasilescu si Mădălina Craiu, a fost selectat la Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sarajevo, la secțiunea Work in Progress. Mare bucurie, va zic.


EN: The film “Mo”, which I have filmed together with Radu in February and March this year and in which I star along Razvan Vasilescu and Madalina Craiu, has been selected for the Sarajevo International Film Festival, in the category Work in Progress. Great joy, I’m telling you.

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Festival Look

Stiu, a trecut ceva timp de la Electric Castle, dar poate ca tinuta aleasa de mine va va inspira pentru festivalurile ce va sa vie.


EN: I know, it’s been a while since Electric Castle, but maybe this outfit I chose will inspire you for the festivals up and coming.

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