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Jurnal de mini calatorie: Milano

Am promis ca revin cu detalii despre press trip-ul din Milano, la invitatia Samsung, asa ca m-am pus pe scris. Ce m-a mirat a fost ca din primul moment m-au rugat sa iau cu mine  in bagajul de calatorie si un echipament de miscare. Hmm…inedit, mi-am zis, si chiar am intuit corect. Pentru ca cele 2 zile petrecute alaturi de echipa Samsung, jurnalisti si bloggeri de lifestyle din intreaga lume, au fost cu adevarat inedite. Am profitat de prezenta la acest eveniment ca sa ii iau un interviu lui Luke Bache, maestru yoghin, special pentru voi, prietenii acestui blog.


EN: I promised I would get back with details from the Milan press trip, invited by Samsung, so here they are. What was intriguing was that they asked me in advance to pack some workout clothes. Hmmm…unique, I thought to myself, and I was right. Because the 2 days spent with the Samsung team, journalists and lifestyle bloggers from around the world, were truly unique. Especially for you, friends of this blog, I took the opportunity to interview Luke Bache, yoga master.

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Noua camera a lui Vlad

Aceasta este camera lui Vlad, din noua noastra casuta. Sper doar sa ii placa si lui cum a iesit la fel de mult precum imi place mie! Ne-am dorit sa fie o camera de poveste, asa ca fiecare obiect ales are istorioara lui…


EN: This is Vlad’s room, from our new home. I hope he likes the way it turned out just as much as I do! We wanted it to be a storybook room, so each object chosen has its own little story…

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Nici nu s-a incheiat bine concursul trecut, ca Prigat Romania a lansat un altul, prin care puteti castiga tinuta din aceste imagini, adica cea purtata de mine in reclama de la piscina. Iata care este mecanica acestui concurs:


EN: The last contest isn’t nearly over and Prigat Romania is already launching another, through which you can win the outfit from these pictures, the one I was wearing in the commercial by the pool. Here’s how the contest works:

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Update: Perle Parfumate

Am promis ca revin cu un feedback după ce testez aceste perle numite Lenor Unstoppables, și iată ca ma țin de cuvânt. Imediat după ce m-am întors din vacanta m-am grăbit sa postez pe blog un video cu ele încă în cutia în care le primisem cadou, dar îmi dau seama ca mai util pentru voi este un feedback DUPĂ folosirea lor.


EN: I promised I would get back to you with a feedback after I test these pearls called Lenor Unstoppables, and here I am keeping my word. Right after I came back from vacation, I was in a hurry to post a video on the blog ever since they were in the box I received them as a gift in, but I realize that a feedback AFTER using them is more useful to you.

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Despre concediul perfect

Va place rochia pe care o port in reclama Prigat? Daca da, atunci hai sa va spun ce trebuie sa faceti ca sa o castigati. E super simplu!


EN: Do you like the dress I am wearing in the Prigat commercial? If you do, let me tell what you have to do to win it. It’s super easy!

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Scenaristi de desene animate

Unul dintre cele mai frumoase concursuri la care am fost invitata vreodata pana acum ca jurat este acum in plina desfasurare. Vorbesc despre un concurs de scenarii de desene animate pentru copii cu varsta intre 9 si 14 ani, in urma caruia doi mari castigatori vor pleca intr-o excursie cu familia la Nickelodeon Land din Madrid si ale caror scenarii vor prinde viata in desene animate ce vor fi transmise pe Nickelodeon. O initiativa minunata, care pune le treaba creativitatea, imaginatia si talentul de povestitori al copiilor. Iata tot ce trebuie sa stiti despre acest concurs:


EN: One of the nicest contests I have been invited to as a judge is happening right now. I am talking about a contest for cartoons scripts, for children aged from 9 to 14, after which 2 winners will go on a trip to Nickelodeon Land in Madrid, with their family and whose scripts will come to life in cartoons aired by Nickelodeon. A wonderful initiative, which puts creativity, imagination and the storytelling gift of children to work. Here’s all you need to know about this contest: 

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21 de motive sa te simti ca la 21 de ani

Dacă sunteți la curent cu fashion news-urile, sigur stiti deja că pe 3 septembrie se deschide in noul mall ParkLake primul magazin Forever 21 de la noi! Yupiiii!!! Eu voi fi gazda evenimentului de lansare, asa ca de vreo câteva zile ma tot gândesc care sunt motivele care ma fac sa ma simt ca la 21 de ani. Am găsit… 21.


EN: If you’re up-to-date with the fashion news, then you already know that on September 3rd, in the new ParkLake mall, the first Forever 21 store in Romania will be open! Yeeeeyyyy!!! I will be hosting the launch event, so for the past couple of days I have been thinking about the reasons that make me feel 21 again. I came up with…21.

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