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Cate cadouri incap pe o lista?

Un nou sezon al cadourilor, o noua provocare, o noua nebunie! Astazi am fost cu Radu in mall sa cautam o prima parte din cadourile lui Mos Craciun, ca asa se ambitioneaza el sa lase cadourile tuturor prin magazine, cu etichete de pret pe ele! Si cautand noi dulciuri si masinute, ne-am dat seama amandoi in fix acelasi moment, cu un mic licar de panica in ochi, ca situatia este foarte grava pentru ca nu avem un singur cadou de luat…..avem probabil vreo 31987 de cadouri de gasit, dupa chipul si marimea fiecarui prieten, frate, cumnata, mama si tot asa. Banuiesc ca si voi stati tot cam la fel, asa ca iata, de data aceasta am si o posibila solutie care sper sa va mai dezlege cateva mistere, dar si un Concurs!


EN: A new season for gifts, a new challenge, again a crazy time! Today, Radu and I went to the mall looking for part of Santa’s gifts, because that’s what he does: he leaves everyone’s gifts in the stores, with price tags on them! And while looking for candy and toys, we both realized at the same tome, with a shimmer of panic in our eyes, that the situation is very serious, because we don’t have one single gift to buy…we have about 31987 gifts to find, according to the look and size of each friend, brother, sister-in-law, mother and so on. I guess it’s about the same with you, so this time I might have a possible solution to solve a few mysteries, but also a Contest!

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Brunch cu fetele

Duminica, m-am intalnit cu castigatoarele concursului organizat recent pe blog impreuna cu elmiplant la un brunch la mine acasa, mai exact in Studio Moon. Hai sa va povestesc cum a fost…


EN: On Sunday, I met with the winners of the contest recently organized on the blog together with elmiplant, for a brunch at my house, to be more precise in Moon Studio. Let me tell what it was like…

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Picaturi de viitor

Imi place foarte mult sa ma joc cu parul. Cred ca asta se observa in felul in care am trecut printr-o multime de culori si forme: de la blond platinat am revenit la satenul meu natural, de la o lungime generoasa am trecut la un gamine scurt si feminin.


EN: I enjoy playing with my hair. I think it’s obvious from the fact that I have gone through many colors and shapes: from platinum blonde I have come back to my natural brown hair, from a generous length I have gone to a short and feminine gamine.

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Ingrijirea in sezonul rece

Atentie! Urmeaza un articol care contine: o sedinta foto de stil personal, sfaturi de ingrijire in sezonul rece, ritualul meu detaliat si argumentat, plus un concurs prin care ofer 10 invitatii la un brunch la mine acasa – adica in Moon Studio – exact duminica viitoare!


EN: Watch out! Coming up an article which contains: a personal style photo shooting, advice for skin care during the cold season, my detailed and explained ritual, plus a contest through which I am giving out 10 invitations to a brunch at my house- meaning Moon Studio- precisely next Sunday!  

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Ritualul de seara

Cred ca fiecare femeie are propriul sau ritual de infrumusetare. Pentru unele sunt mastile cu ou si malai transmise de la mama la fiica, pentru altele mastile cu argila verde vazute prin filme, altele isi consulta medicul dermatolog si inca si mai multe merg pe mana altor femei, cautand referinte si recomandari. Insa oricum am fi si oriunde am merge sa culegem sfaturi si mici ponturi, ideea de baza este ca ne place sa avem grija de noi.


EN: I think every woman has her own beauty ritual. For some there are face masks with egg and cornstarch passed on from mother to daughter, for others there are masks with green clay as seen in movies, others talk to their dermatologist and even more talk to other women, looking for references and recommendations. But no matter where we go to for advice and tips, the main idea is that we like taking care of ourselves.

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