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Ziua de ieri a fost minunata, in primul rand datorita lui Vlad si Radu, care m-au rasfatat in fiecare moment al zilei.


EN: Yesterday was absolutely wonderful, especially thanks to Vlad and Radu, who spoiled me throughout the entire day.

Ieri am luat un aparat tip polaroid cu mine si am facut poze de dimineata si pana noaptea, trecand prin toate momentele obisnuite ale zilei: o poza cand am dus copilul la gradinita, una in timp ce imi beam cafeaua cu Radu, apoi la o intalnire cu nasa mea, si pana la sosirea familiei la noi in vizita si suflarea in lumanari. Am 18 poze acum, care imi vor aduce aminte peste ani cum am sarbatorit aceasta aniversare. Par foarte foarte retro, ca si cand ar fi facute prin anii ’70! Iar multe dintre ele au o incadratura atipica, Vlad fiind – desigur – cel mai atras de aparatul foto. Ca sa fim totusi si eu si Radu in poza, a trebuit sa stam cocosati si mai mult pe vine. Dar asta e tot farmecul, nu?

Iar in weekend, plecam in gasca la munte. Varsta de 33 imi suna foarte bine, asa ca am vrut sa o sarbatoresc intr-un fel in care sa o pot tine bine minte. Asa ca am inchiriat o casuta la munte si mi-am invitat familia si cateva prietene sa imi fie alaturi. Abia astept sa bem cate un vin fiert si sa ne bucuram de noi, asa misto cum suntem. Cred ca va fi destul de frig, asa ca asta ne va tine aproape de focul de lemne din semineu. Abia astept. O sa postez pe Instagram & Story imagini de acolo, asta in cazul in care nu veti mai avea rabdare pana la viitoarele fotografii de pe blog.

Inca o data, multumesc pentru mesajele transmise ieri, care m-au facut sa ma simt iubita. Mi-e cam bine la 33.

In poze port: rochie Ludmila Corlateanu, cercei Zara.

EN: Yesterday I had a Polaroid camera with me and I took pictures from morning until night, going through all the regular habits of the day: a picture when we took the child to kindergarten, one while I had coffee with Radu, then on a date with my godmother, and until the family came over and I got to blow out the candles. I now have 18 pictures, which will remind me over the years how I celebrated this anniversary. They look very retro, like they were made in the ’70s! And most of them have an atypical framing, Vlad – of course- being most attracted to the camera. So Radu and I could still be in the picture, we had to bend over or kneel down. But that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it?

And over the weekend we go to the mountains with our group of friends. 33 sounds very good to me, so I wanted to celebrate it so that I can remember it well. So we rented a small cottage in the mountains and I invited my family and a couple of friends to join me. I can hardly wait to drink a cup of mulled wine and enjoy our cool selves. I think it’s going to be pretty cold, so that will keep us close to the fireplace. I can hardly wait! I’ll post on Instagram& Story images from there, in case you don’t want to wait for the next pictures on the blog.

Once again, thank you for the messages from yesterday, which made me feel loved. 33 rather suits me.

In the pictures I am wearing: Ludmila Corlateanu dress, Zara earrings.

  • Ewa Macherowska/ 28.09.2018Reply

    Love your dress! x

  • Denisa/ 28.09.2018Reply

    La multi ani cu sanatate Dana!
    Iti citesc blogul de ceva vreme, calatoresc si eu prin intermediul postarilor tale.
    Stiu ca rulota o aveti de ceva vreme, ai vreun post despre ea ?

    • Dana/ 30.09.2018Reply

      Nu cred ca am o postare dedicata, dar o vezi destul de bine in primele 2 episoade de vlog “Brambura prin lume” pe canalul meu de YouTube.

  • Roxy/ 01.10.2018Reply

    Ai sarbatorit de 2 ori.Ce tare!!33 este o varsta frumoasa ?

    • Dana/ 01.10.2018Reply

      O data acasa, chiar pe 26, impreuna cu familia, si a doua oara la munte – in weekend – impreuna cu cativa prieteni apropiati. O sa fie o aniversare pe care o voi tine minte.

  • Sorina/ 01.10.2018Reply

    Chiar ca, o vei tine minte?! Ma bucur pentru tine!!!????Bizzz

  • Catalina/ 02.10.2018Reply

    Rochia este absolut superba.

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