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Dragi prieteni,

De azi incepand va astept pe Un nou inceput, pentru care simt din plin emotiile, dar mai ales entuziasmul. Sunt fericita! E o uriasa satisfactie sa vad ca blogul meu trece intr-o noua etapa importanta a vietii lui, care aduce multe noutati: devine bilingv, va gazdui mult mai mult continut video, fashion, parenting, travel, dar si proiecte de lifestyle care sa va inspire sa traiti viata frumos. Blogging-ul nu e doar hobby, nu e doar meserie, e un stil de viata deja pentru mine. Cu pasiune, cu multa munca, cu optimism, cu bun simt, cu sinceritate, dar si cu un dram de nebunie … facem impreuna pasul catre Va multumesc pentru sustinere!


EN:  Dear friends,

Starting today I will be expecting you on A new beginning, with plenty of emotions, but most of all enthusiasm. I am happy! It is a huge satisfaction to see my blog going through a new and important stage of its life, which brings many news: it becomes bilingual, it will host more video, fashion, parenting and travel content, but also lifestyle projects to inspire you to live your life beautifully. Blogging isn’t just a hobby, it’s not just a job, to me it is a way of life. With passion, with a lot of work, with optimism, common sense, honesty, but also with a bit of craziness…together we take the step towards danarogoz.comThank you for your support!

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