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City Girl

Dintotdeauna mi-am dorit sa traiesc in centrul orasului, taman acolo unde e agitatia mai mare si unde ii pot simti pulsul mai bine. Unde cafenelele, restaurantele, muzeele sau teatrele sunt toate la o distanță usor de parcurs pe jos. De aceea, cand multi dintre prietenii mei au migrat spre nordul orasului, spre Pipera, Snagov, Corbeanca sau Otopeni, eu le-am recunoscut ca sunt o City Girl si ca efectiv nu ma pot imagina vecina lor.

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10 idei pentru ZEN acasa

Parca din ce in ce mai putin imi gasesc linistea si bucuria undeva in oras, la un restaurant sau club sau mai stiu eu ce. Si nu e de varsta, am avut dintotdeauna acest sentiment, doar ca parca se accentueaza. Sigur, ador calatoriile, dar nu traiesc doar calatorind. Viata mea se desfășoară cel mai mult in Bucuresti, de care ma leaga in primul rand job-ul si, desigur, casa. Iar casa mea este locul in care ma simt protejata, iubita, linistita. Asa ca, m-am gandit sa va scriu despre ce imi place si imi face bine sa fac acasa.


EN: I seem to have given up on finding my peace and joy somewhere out, at a restaurant or a club or whatever. And it has nothing to do with age, I have always had this feeling, but it seems to grow stronger. Of course, I love to travel, but I don’t live just travelling. My life is mostly in Bucharest, which I am connected to firstly by my job and, obviously, mu home. And my house is the ideal place for me to feel protected, loved, tranquil. So, I thought I should write to you about what I like to do at home.

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Dezvaluie-ti frumusetea!

Am mai vorbit pe blog despre conceptul de frumusețe, în contextul socio-cultural actual. Standarde, prejudecati, dimensiuni perfecte, forme ideale… toate acestea ne-au stirbit de prea multe ori încrederea în noi. Mai ales cand eram adolescente, naive, vulnerabile. Acum cred tot mai tare ca nu exista femei urâte și femei frumoase, ci femei care stiu sau nu sa ia decizii bune, care sa le evidențieze frumusețea naturală, oricât ar fi ea de diferită de norma. Frumusețea înseamnă sanatate si diversitate. În rest, sunt trenduri.


EN: I have talked to you about the concept of beauty on the blog before, in the current social cultural context. Standards, prejudice, perfect sizes, ideal body shapes… all of these have taken too much from our self confidence. Especially when we were teenagers, naïve, vulnerable. Now I believe even more strongly that there aren’t any ugly or beautiful women, but rather women who know or don’t know how to make good decisions, to enhance their natural beauty, no matter how different it might be from the norm. Beauty means health and diversity. everything else is just trends.

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Poza de Desktop

Hai ca mi-am gasit poza de desktop! Acestea sunt primele imagini din Sicilia, care surprind unul dintre putinele momente de liniste deplina din vacanta noastra. Mi-am pus costumul de baie, mi-am luat o carte buna si am facut plaja unde nu era nicio plaja, ci o livada de maslini, leandrii si dealuri domoale.


EN: Looks like I found my desktop photo! These are the first images from Sicily, which capture one of the few moments of complete tranquility in our vacation. I put on my bathing suit, grabbed a good book and sat in the sun where there was no beach, but an olive tree orchard, oleanders and soft hills.

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Cate cadouri incap pe o lista?

Un nou sezon al cadourilor, o noua provocare, o noua nebunie! Astazi am fost cu Radu in mall sa cautam o prima parte din cadourile lui Mos Craciun, ca asa se ambitioneaza el sa lase cadourile tuturor prin magazine, cu etichete de pret pe ele! Si cautand noi dulciuri si masinute, ne-am dat seama amandoi in fix acelasi moment, cu un mic licar de panica in ochi, ca situatia este foarte grava pentru ca nu avem un singur cadou de luat…..avem probabil vreo 31987 de cadouri de gasit, dupa chipul si marimea fiecarui prieten, frate, cumnata, mama si tot asa. Banuiesc ca si voi stati tot cam la fel, asa ca iata, de data aceasta am si o posibila solutie care sper sa va mai dezlege cateva mistere, dar si un Concurs!


EN: A new season for gifts, a new challenge, again a crazy time! Today, Radu and I went to the mall looking for part of Santa’s gifts, because that’s what he does: he leaves everyone’s gifts in the stores, with price tags on them! And while looking for candy and toys, we both realized at the same tome, with a shimmer of panic in our eyes, that the situation is very serious, because we don’t have one single gift to buy…we have about 31987 gifts to find, according to the look and size of each friend, brother, sister-in-law, mother and so on. I guess it’s about the same with you, so this time I might have a possible solution to solve a few mysteries, but also a Contest!

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Brunch cu fetele

Duminica, m-am intalnit cu castigatoarele concursului organizat recent pe blog impreuna cu elmiplant la un brunch la mine acasa, mai exact in Studio Moon. Hai sa va povestesc cum a fost…


EN: On Sunday, I met with the winners of the contest recently organized on the blog together with elmiplant, for a brunch at my house, to be more precise in Moon Studio. Let me tell what it was like…

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Ingrijirea in sezonul rece

Atentie! Urmeaza un articol care contine: o sedinta foto de stil personal, sfaturi de ingrijire in sezonul rece, ritualul meu detaliat si argumentat, plus un concurs prin care ofer 10 invitatii la un brunch la mine acasa – adica in Moon Studio – exact duminica viitoare!


EN: Watch out! Coming up an article which contains: a personal style photo shooting, advice for skin care during the cold season, my detailed and explained ritual, plus a contest through which I am giving out 10 invitations to a brunch at my house- meaning Moon Studio- precisely next Sunday!  

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