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July 2017

Primele poze de vacanta din Tenerife

Cand stii ca vacanta e ceva cu care te vei mai intalni abia la iarna, pozele pe care le-ai facut in cea mai recenta evadare iti aduc o bucurie de neimaginat. Stiu deja ca voi reveni la ace4asta postare de nenumarate ori de-a lungul anilor ce vor urma. Nu pot decat sa sper ca acest prim set sa va poarte pe nisipul negru din Tenerife.


EN: When you know vacation is something you’ll only come across again in winter, the pictures you took on your most recent getaway bring unimaginable joy. I already know I’ll come back to this post countless times along the coming years. I can only hope that this first set will take you to the black sands from Tenerife.

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