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July 2017

Frica de esec

Pe 7 august se desfasoara un eveniment organizat de cei de la The Power of Storytelling si Visual Playground: How to design your creative life. Invitata lor este femeia din spatele celui mai longeviv podcast despre industrii creative (Design Matters), Debbie Millman, a carei poveste de viata mi s-a parut incredibil de inspirationala. Este probabil una dintre putinele povesti despre “visul american” din epoca contemporana: o copilarie dificila, o familie instabila si o dorinta arzatoare de a se face remarcata in branding, un domeniu in care se intra foarte greu. Dar iata ca acum, 30 de ani mai tarziu, succesul pentru care a muncit si a luptat atat de mult este lectia pe care vine sa ne-o impartaseasca pentru a ne motiva sa nu ne dam niciodata batuti, oricat de grele par lucrurile. Iar cu aceasta ocazie va invit si la CONCURS.

Later edit: Am facut extragerea si castigatoarea este “Mamica autentica”. Felicitari!


EN: On August 7th, the people behind the Power of Storytelling and Visual Playground are hosting an event: How to design your creative life. Their guest is the woman responsible for the most long living podcast on creative industries (Design Matters), Debbie Millman, whose life story I found incredibly inspirational. It’s probably one of the few stories about “the American dream” from the contemporary era: a difficult childhood, an unstable family and a burning desire to leave a mark in the branding industry, an area which is really tough to get into. But here we are, 30 years later, and the success she has worked and fought for so hard is the lesson she comes to share with us in order to motivate us never to give up, no matter how things appear to be. And on this note I invite you to a CONTEST:

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