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October 2017

Ca fetele la 30+

Maine seara jucam din nou “30+” la Godot Cafe Teatru de la ora 21:30. Acum 5 minute au iesit fetele de la mine din casa, caci ne-am intalnit sa mai dam o data textul, ca nu s-a mai programat de multisor spectacolul. A fost imposbil sa ducem textul pana la sfarsit, caci eram nevorbite, si fiecare intrerupea sa mai zica cate ceva, ce-i trecea prin minte. Asa ca intr-un final am zis “stop repetitie, hai sa ne relaxam si sa vorbim”. E minunat ca joc cu ele, dar mai ales ca imi sunt prietene. Asa ca maine seara promitem sa dam textul pana la capat 🙂 si sa jucam spectacol cu chef maxim. O sa va simtiti ca faceti parte dintr-o gasca de fete la 30+, una mai nebuna ca cealalta. Ah, si va ofer si 2 invitatii cadou la un CONCURS, pe care il organizez acum… spontan:


EN: Tomorrow evening we’ll be acting in “30+” at Godot Café Teatru from 21:30 hours again. 5 minutes ago, the girls left my house, because we got together to go through the script one more time, since the play hasn’t been scheduled for a while now. It was impossible to get everything done, because we would constantly interrupt each other for another story or thought. So at one point we just said “stop the rehearsal, let’s relax and talk a bit”. It’s wonderful that I get to act with them, but especially that they are my friends. So tomorrow evening we promise to say all our lines:) You will feel like being part of a 30+ girls gang, one crazier than the other. Oh, and I would like to offer you to invitations as a gift for a CONTEST I am organizing spontaneously:

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Ritualul de seara

Cred ca fiecare femeie are propriul sau ritual de infrumusetare. Pentru unele sunt mastile cu ou si malai transmise de la mama la fiica, pentru altele mastile cu argila verde vazute prin filme, altele isi consulta medicul dermatolog si inca si mai multe merg pe mana altor femei, cautand referinte si recomandari. Insa oricum am fi si oriunde am merge sa culegem sfaturi si mici ponturi, ideea de baza este ca ne place sa avem grija de noi.


EN: I think every woman has her own beauty ritual. For some there are face masks with egg and cornstarch passed on from mother to daughter, for others there are masks with green clay as seen in movies, others talk to their dermatologist and even more talk to other women, looking for references and recommendations. But no matter where we go to for advice and tips, the main idea is that we like taking care of ourselves.

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A Pink World

Probabil, unul dintre cele mai bune shooting-uri dedicate acestui blog.
EN: Probably one of the best photo shootings dedicated to this blog.

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Azi e Sfantul Luca, asa ca azi il sarbatorim pe Vlad LUCA Dragomir.
EN: Today is St. Luca’s day, so we are celebrating Vlad LUCA Dragomir.

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Suntem 5 in casa

Scurta istorisire despre doi caini, scrisa de un stapan care ii iubeste foarte mult.
EN: Short story about two dogs, written by an owner who loves them very much.

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