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June 2018

Girl on the Moon Project (ep. 3) – 5 Tips

Mai intai ati putut urmari portretul video al Laurei Gardu, de profesie pilot. Daca aveti frica de avion si nu ati urmarit inca interviul, va sfatuiesc sa o faceti. Inteligenta, calmul, modestia, felul ei de a povesti, va vor da curaj. Desi nu am apucat sa ne cunoastem decat prin intermediul acest proiect, dar si o data in calitate de pasager – pilot (cand i-am facut si invitatia, de altfel, sa fie eroina ep 3), am ramas cu convingerea ca Laura Gardu este un om deosebit. Cititi mai jos cele 5 sfaturi ale ei si o sa imi dati dreptate. Dar mai intai de toate, a sosit momentul sa vedeti exercitiul de stil pe care l-am facut impreuna.


EN: First you could watch the video portrait of Laura Gardu, pilot. If you have a fear of flight and didn’t get a chance to see the interview yet, I advise you to do it. Her intelligence, charm, modesty, storytelling abilities will give you courage. Although we didn’t get to know each other before this project, but also once as passenger (when I also invited her to be the hero of episode 3), I was convinced that Laura Gardu is a special person. Please read below her 5 advice and you’ll be convinced yourselves. But first of all, it’s time to see the style exercise which we put together. 

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Jurnal de calatorie in Vietnam: Phu Quoc (2)

Asa cum va promiteam recent, am revenit cu ultima fila din Jurnalul de calatorie in Vietnam, in care o sa va povestesc mai pe larg experienta noastra in Phu Quoc.


EN: As promised, I am back with the last chapter of our Vietnam Travel Log, in which I will tell you more about our experience in Phu Quoc.

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Va cer ajutorul pentru vacanta de vara

Vara aceasta plec in Sicilia cu familia. E prima oara cand vizitez aceasta insula, asadar orice sfat e mai mult decat binevenit.


EN: This summer I am going to Sicily with my family. It’s my first time on this island, so any advice is more than welcome.

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White Moon

Ieri m-am intors din tabara… ah, pardon, de la TIFF, si m-am pus pe treaba. Mai sunt doar cateva zile pana la Happy Run, asa ca daca vreti sa intrati in echipa “Lunatecelor”, acum e momentul sa profitati de ocazie.


EN: Yesterday I got back from camp…oh, sorry, I meant from TIFF, and I am back in business. There are only a few days left until Happy Run, so if you want to join the “Lunatics Team”, now’s the time to do it.

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10 pentru tine

Pentru ca e 1 iunie, va las mai jos o scrisoare pe care am scris-o pentru Vlad, cand el era doar un bebelus, cu speranta ca intr-o zi o va citi singur si va simti dragostea mea dintre randuri.
EN: Since it’s the 1st of June, I want to share with a letter I wrote to Vlad when he was still a baby, hoping that one day he’ll read on his own and feel my love between the lines.

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