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August 2016

Cumparaturi de toamna

Cum se instaleaza luna august, cum incep sa ma gandesc la garderoba de toamna! De obicei cheful de toamna se instaleaza imediat dupa concediul la mare si soare- deci eu probabil ca saptamana viitoare, dupa calatoria in Grecia, o sa fiu gata sa incep sa ma gandesc la sezonul rece. Si, in asteptarea acestui moment, am adunat un mic wishlist de shopping in colajele de mai jos.


EN: As soon as August begins, I start thinking about the autumn wardrobe! Usually the autumn mood sets in right after the vacation at the seaside- so, next week, after my trip to Greece, I will probably be ready to start thinking about the cold season. And, while I am awaiting this moment, I have gathered a small shopping wish list in the collages below.

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