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March 2017

Lectie de geometrie

Nu, nu e vorba despre bowling. Desi… nu mi-ar displacea o seara cu familia la bowling, ca pe vremuri, cand la un strike urlam pana raguseam. Iar la urmatoarea lovitura nu nimeream nici macar una si simteam ca “viata e nedreapta, domne'”. Asadar, lasam bowlingul, si ne concetram atentia nu atat pe minge, cat mai degraba pe printurile geometrice ce definesc aceasta tinuta.


EN: No, it’s not about bowling. Although… I wouldn’t mind a bowling night out with my family, like in the old days, when we would cheer for each strike until our throats were soar. And on the next game we wouldn’t hit anything, thinking that “life’s not fair, man”. So, bowling aside, let’s concentrate not so much on the ball, but more on the geometrical prints which define this outfit.

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