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ciocolata Tag


M-au apucat renovarile si schimbarile prin casa. Si e doar inceputul…


EN: I felt the need to do some renovating around the house. And this is just the beginning….

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Proiect al toamnei, acasa

S-a racorit bine de tot afara, asa ca a trebuit sa accept pe deplin ca e toamna! Nu ca frunzele rosii si galbene nu ar fi fost un indicator suficient de bun, doar ca cele 20+ grade Celsius din saptamanile trecute imi permiteau sa mai tin inca paltoanele in saci. Nu-i bai. E sezonul perfect pentru a sta langa fereastra cu o patura deasupra, cu o bautura calda si o ciocolata neagra alaturi, in timp ce afara ploua sau bate vantul puternic.


EN: It’s really chilly outside, so I had to fully accept that autumn is here! Not that the red and yellow leaves weren’t a good enough hint, but the 20+ Celsius degrees from the past couple of weeks allowed me to still keep my winter coats in the back of my closet. That’s ok. It’s the perfect season to sit by the window wrapped in a warm blanket, with a hot drink a dark chocolate nearby, while outside it’s raining or there’s a strong wind.  Read More

Coltul neplictisitor

Inovatia si creativitatea isi au de cele mai multe ori originea in largirea surselor de inspiratie. De foarte multe ori in moda, de exemplu, creatorii si-au gasit inspiratia in domenii complet adiacente, precum arhitectura sau… botanica si zoologie. Aceste intersectii pot avea rezultate surprinzatoare, unice. Exact acelasi pincipiu a stat la baza uneia dintre cele mai dragute provocari pe care le-am primit vreodata, care poate fi sintetizata prin intrebarea: “Ce au in comun ciocolata si design-ul interior?”


EN: Innovation and creativity often come from broadening your sources of inspiration. Very often in fashion, for example, creators have found their inspiration in areas completely adjacent, like in architecture or… botany and zoology. These intersections could have surprising, unique results. This exact same principle was the foundation of one of the nicest challenges I have ever received, which can be summarized in the question: “What do chocolate and interior design have in common?”

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Ce vreau de 8 martie?

Ah, incepe cea mai frumoasa perioada a anului! Sigur, inca e frig si e foarte multa zapada, dar nu e minunata toata saptamana care urmeaza?


EN: Oh, the most beautiful time of the year is coming up! Sure, it’s still cold and we have a lot of snow outside, but isn’t the following week just wonderful?

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