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Ultima zi din 2017

Stiti cum e, ziua in care se face bilantul. Cum a fost 2017 si ce asteptari am de la 2018…


EN: You know what it’s like, the day of account balance. What was 2017 like and what are my expectations from 2018…

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Un secret dulce

Mantra mea? Nicio zi fara dulce! Cand i-am spus asta antrenorului meu personal a ras mult si apoi mi-a spus ca e ok, ca am voie dulce, insa cu bun-simt si eventual in prima parte a zilei. Nu stiu cat de bine ma descurc sa respect chestia sta, mai ales ca acum am un nou motiv sa “incalc” regulile….


EN: My mantra? Not a day should go by without sweets. When I told this to my personal trainer he laughed a lot and then said it’s ok, that I’m allowed to eat sweets, but in a normal amount and possibly in the first part of the day. I don’t know how good I am at respecting this, especially now that I have a new reason to break the rules…

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2 in 1 Fashion & Desserts

 V-am pregatit o postare de tip 2 in 1, prin care pas cu pas veti vedea cat de usor am facut prajitura Musuroi de Cartita cu ajutorul Mixului pentru prajituri de la Dr. Oetker, dar si cum am construit o tinuta inspirata de aceasta prajitura.

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