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Gala Met- Cele mai bune tinute

Rei Kawakubo, designerul din spatele brandului Commes des Garcons, este in atentia industriei de fashion, o data cu deschiderea noii expozitii de la Metropolitan Museum of Art din New York. Expozitia se numeste Rei Kawakubo/ Commes de Garcons: Art of the In-Between si face o recenzie exhaustiva a tuturor pieselor iconice ale unuia dintre cele mai avangardiste branduri. Linia fina dintre moda si anti-moda, relatia dintre frumos si urat, dintre structural si de-construit – toate aceste teme explorate de Rei Kawakubo se regasesc in creatiile sale, acum atent alese intr-o expozitie pe care va recomand sa o vizitati, daca aceasta vara va duce prin New York.


EN: Rei Kawakubo, the designer behind the brand Commes des Garcons, is in the focus of the fashion industry, ever since the opening of the new exhibition from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The exhibition is called Rei Kawakubo/ Commes de Garcons: Art of the In-Between and makes an exhaustive review of all the iconic pieces from one of the most avant-garde brands. The fine line between fashion and anti- fashion, the relationship between beautiful and ugly, between structural and de- structured- all these themes explored by Rei Kawakubo are found in his creations, now carefully selected in an exhibition which I recommend you visit, if your roads lead to New York this summer.

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Intai mare la distractie

In anticiparea zilei de 1 mai, v-am pregatit cateva idei de tinute pentru diverse activitati: de la o seara la o terasa pana la un pranz la mare, sunteti acoperite!


EN: As we are all getting ready for the 1st of May, I have prepared some outfit ideas for you: whether it’s for an evening out on a terrace, or a lunch at the sea side, you’re all covered!

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Walk Tall revine in forta!

Sunt extrem de fericita ca si anul acesta, in calitate de ambasador elmiplant, voi transmite mai departe femeilor mesajul de a tine capul sus si de a pasi cu incredere in viata: WALK TALL.


EN: I am extremely happy that also this year, as an ambassador for elmiplant, I will be passing on the message of holding their heads up high and walking confidently in life, to all the women out there: WALK TALL.

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3 Outfits

Imi place ca la inceputul unui sezon sa imi aleg cateva teme – poate sa fie un material sau o culoare – ceva care sa dea directia tuturor cumparaturilor mele din acel sezon. Ca deseori imi iau ochii lucrurile din vitrina, ei bine asta e o alta poveste! Intentia conteaza, nu?


EN: At the beginning of each season, I like to choose a few themes- it can be a fabric or a color- something to set the tone for all my shopping that season. That I often end up buying the stuff in the shop displays, well that’s a completely different story. But it’s the thought that counts, right?

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Concurs: Lingoul de Aur

Trebuie sa recunosc ca am ras  cevacitindu-va mesajele. In scutece, la ghivece, in cusca cainelui, in grota, in congelator, in papusi, in parchet, in ramele de la perdele, in sacul aspiratorului sau “unde pune mama bine lucrurile”… o gramada de idei ingenioase de a ascunde lingouri de aur. Se vede ca v-a placut jocul, in urma caruia avem si o castigatoare:

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Behind the scenes

In spatele fiecarei imagini cu mine sta ceea ce deja stiti prea bine: o viata hiper-activa, un Radu care ma sustine, ma intelege si ma alinta, un Vladut care imi fura si inima si energia, un business pentru care muncesc mult si la care tin chiar si mai mult si un blog de care sunt absolut dependenta!


EN: Behind every picture of me there is something which you already know too well: a hyper active life, a supportive Radu, who understands and caresses me, a Vlad who steals my heart and energy, a business which I work hard for and which I really care about and a blog I am absolutely addicted to!

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