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Cu telefonul (3)

Stiti deja aceasta rubrica a blogului: poze “furate” cu telefonul, cand nu ai la indemana aparatul foto sa surprinzi momentul. Am decis ca e musai sa va arat cateva pozitii in care a dormit Vlad azi.


EN: You already know this section of the blog: photos taken with the phone, when you don’t have the camera on hand to capture the moment. I have decided I simply must show you the positions Vlad has slept in today.

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Ieri la piata o vanzatoare foarte draguta imi spune: “Sa-l pupi pe Vladut din partea mea. Am aflat cum il cheama din reclama de la televizor!”. Ei bine asa am aflat eu ca reclama Prigat e deja pe TV, si ca pot in mod oficial sa va anunt ca sunt noul ambasador al campaniei “Atleti de zi cu zi”. Iata-ma in 4 ipostaze de “atlet de zi cu zi”, ipostaze in care alerg de dimineata si pana noaptea, cu zambetul pe buze si increzatoare in fortele proprii.


EN: Yesterday at the market, a really nice sales woman said to me: “Give Vlad a kiss from me. I found out his name from the TV commercial!”. Well, that’s how I found out that the Prigat commercial is already on TV, and that I can finally announce that I am the new ambassador of the campaign: “Everyday athletes”. Here I am as 4 different personae as an “everyday athlete”, running from dusk till dawn, smiling and confident in my own strengths.

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Sfaturi pentru calatoria la Disneyland Paris

Aveti de gand sa ajungeti cu copilul la Disneyland Paris? M-am gandit ca ar fi utile cateva tipsuri, din experienta noastra recenta:

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1 Iunie 2016

Va scriu de la Disneyland Paris, unde am sarbatorit ziua de 1 iunie cu Vlad, fan inrait al lui Mickey Mouse. Nu am vrut sa las sa treaca ziua aceasta, fara sa le urez tuturor copiilor din vietile voastre sa fie sanatosi si fericiti!


EN: I am writing to your from Disneyland Paris, where we have celebrated the 1st of June with Vlad, a huge Mickey Mouse fan. I didn’t want to let this day go by without wishing all the children in our lives health and happiness!

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Costume de baie pentru orice ocazie

De multe ori cand ma gandesc la vara, automat ma inchipui la plaja- fie undeva la marginea unei piscine, fie la mare. Si mereu cand intentionez sa imi cumpar un costum de baie ma gandesc la cat de practic este pentru plaja imaginata: o sa ma bronzez cu cat mai putine urme? O sa fie practic pentru inot? O sa arate cool?


EN: Almost every time I think of summer, I automatically picture myself somewhere by a pool, or at the sea. And when I plan on buying a bathing suit I think about how practical it is for the imagined beach: will I get a tan with as little lines as possible? Will it be useful for swimming? Will it look cool?

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Distractii de weekend

Incepe weekendul iar in oras este deja o atmosfera exuberanta, parca e o petrecere continua inca de saptamana trecuta, de la Noaptea Muzeelor. Ma entuziasmez mereu cand sunt lucruri care se intampla in oras, dar mai ales cand noaptea e agitatie pe strada si multa lumea vesela, bine dispusa, discutand despre arta si lucruri frumoase. O sa spuneti ca e aglomeratie, insa eu cred ca orasul pare viu si relaxat asa.


EN: The weekend is here and there’s already a bubbly atmosphere in town, it seems like a never ending party since last week’s Museum Night. I always get excited when things are going on in the city, but especially when at night the streets are full of happy, loud people, discussing art and beautiful things. You will say it’s crowded, but I think the city looks alive and relaxed.

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